Jessica Simpson, who confirmed her pregnancy Monday, is happy with her body, according to the new issue of Lucky magazine. That is a very fortunate thing. “Everybody fluctuates, but I’m open about my weight and confident,” the 31-year-old mom-to-be with the cute baby bump says. “I don’t cry about it too much.” Expecting her first child with fiance Eric Johnson, she adds: “I like the way I look.” Jessica Simpson’s frame has gotten thicker over the years . According to the str, who has to be fairly well along at this point (we knew Eric got Jessica Simpson pregnant in September), being curvy is good for business. YA THINK? “I got so much scrutiny for putting on extra pounds … but I think that the decision not to make myself anorexic was actually great for branding,” she explains . She’s referring to her billion-dollar fashion and beauty empire, of course, adding, “‘Cause when you’re really, really skinny, not everybody can relate to you.” SO true. Jessica Simpson is nothing if not a role model.
Original post:
Jessica Simpson: Totes Cool With Weight Gain