Tag Archives: hang-on-social

Taryn Manning Titties for TV of the Day

There was a time, not that long ago, when Taryn Manning was my internet homie. Where we shared glorious internet time together…. It was before she booked this Orange is the New Black, female prison rape show that I’ve never seen, but that people are loving, because people are all fucking drones and do what they are told. A show that may or may not make her a bigger deal, you know her big break. It was back when she was in transition…between jobs…and I guess bored enough to hang on Social Media, you know before she got too famous to give me any attention. I’ve seen it before with some many second or third string famous people, all awesome in the beginning, but when they finally hit something good, they disappear. I guess it’s true what they say, there is no loyalty on social media with people you’ve never met…and that internet love affairs are not real….but fantasy… Either way, here’s the last message she sent me…back in September 2010…I have no idea what it was in reference to or why she blocked me but I am sure it was cuz I was being awesome and hilarious and she was taking herself too seriously, as they often do… Tayrn, if you’re out there, I hope we can learn to love again…

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Taryn Manning Titties for TV of the Day