Tag Archives: happier-place

India Reynolds Topless in Page 3 of the Day

A day is not a day….without massive Glamour Model tits to stare at…at least that’s Page 3′s philosophy…they’ve been doing this set of tits in your daily newspaper for fucking decades and as far as I’m concerned it makes total sense…it brightens days and changes lives… America would be a happier place if titties were everywhere…..from newspapers…to billboards…to workng to donut shop….shit just has a calming affect and makes our angry miserable lives seem not so bad…

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India Reynolds Topless in Page 3 of the Day

Guinevere Van Seenus Titties in Vogue Germany of the Day

This is nothing exciting….you know a model trying to get more exposure, or to just take any job she can get cuz she’s 35 years old, a seasoned fucking veteren in he modeling world….who has already been totally naked in many photoshoots that I’ve already posted…..because getting naked for fashion is what these whores do…. I mean other than the fact that the bitch is showing her tits, cuz anyone showing tits, deserves to be noticed or looked at, a life lesson I try to spread around the world to make it a happier place for at least myself…but unfortunately no one is listening…story of my life….

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Guinevere Van Seenus Titties in Vogue Germany of the Day