Tag Archives: happy-national

14 Hilarious Tweets That Remind You You’re Single On #NationalBoyfriendDay

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Source: StudioThreeDots / Getty Get your gift cards and showers of affection ready! It’s National Boyfriend Day — also known to some as Oh Right, I’m Single Day. That’s right, apparently this is a day to cherish if you’re booed up, and a day to loathe if you’re strolling solo — not that there’s anything wrong with being single. Self love and growing as an individual is crucial before you get in any kind of relationship. But at the same time, we’re allowed to feel salty too. Twitter surely agrees. Below are some of the most hilarious tweets for this extremely important holiday. happy #NationalBoyfriendDay to my non existent boyfriend. i love you babe. — eva (@shawnsmusical) October 3, 2017 Is #NationalBoyfriendDay another singles' awareness day??

National Tequila Day 2013: Drink Up and Celebrate!

Happy National Tequila Day from The Hollywood Gossip! In related news, tomorrow is National Call in Sick Day! Just kidding. That doesn’t exist. Not that anyone knew National Tequila Day existed before Facebook made fake holidays like this possible, but who cares! Now that you do know about it, you can jump in and celebrate with alcoholic ease. All you have to do to get in the spirit is drink, and that we support. Tequila is only made in Mexico, and must contain 51 percent blue agave in order to be real tequila. It’s not strictly for imbibing, either. Think about it … Ever try chipotle roasted salmon splashed with margarita marmalade ? Or grilled corn drenched in tequila-lime butter? Or perhaps tequila fettuccine? No? Okay, well, we digress. We know what you came for. Just try this mango margarita recipe and call it a day. Then share your favorite embarrassing tequila story with us in the comments!

See original here:
National Tequila Day 2013: Drink Up and Celebrate!

Happy National Get Outdoors Day Featuring Shrek

photo: J. Novak I’ve never been one for making up holidays, especially when they’re just made up so that greeting card companies can make a buck and kill some trees as a result. But I can get behind National Get Outdoors Day because, well, we need to get outdoors. Today is National Get Outdoors Day so why not celebrate by heading outdoors? And who better to advertise this verde holiday than the greeniest guy in showbiz, Shrek?… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Happy National Get Outdoors Day Featuring Shrek

Passive Aggressive Library Signs

Happy National Library Week! In honor of library week, here's a collection of threatening library signs. Librarians can be VICIOUS. View

Wisdom from Librarian Piggy Sue

Meet Piggy Sue. She's an advocate for reading with a lot of great advice. The Best Links: via Flickr user Frog Pond Happy National Library Week! View