Tag Archives: happy-or-sad

Bella Thorne Is Trouble At Fashion Rocks

We still have two more years before Bella Thorne turns 18. I know she may look legal by the way she’s showcasing her very illegal cleavage at the Fashion Rocks 2014 event, but just take a peak and move along! » view all 11 photos           Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Oliva Munn Reminds Us That Summer Is Officially Over!

Olivia Munn ‘s pokies are a little reminder that summer is officially over! I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. I do know, I’m a somewhat excited. » view all 11 photos           Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Oliva Munn Reminds Us That Summer Is Officially Over!

Olivia Munn ‘s pokies are a little reminder that summer is officially over! I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. I do know, I’m a somewhat excited. » view all 11 photos           Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Kristen Bell is an Unstable Bitch of the Day

I hate unstable bitches more than pretty much anything….I generally like people with no emotion…cuz just the idea of hysterical laughing or extreme joy or anger or sadness with the flip of a switch scares me…it is actual madness that makes a motherfucker worry whether he is gonna get stabbed or some shit…..so seeing Kristen Bell, a barely there actress admit that she is a nutcase who cries when happy or sad like a mad person…makes reminds me that actor’s are fucking pussies but more importantly that sometimes the middle aged girl I want to fuck is better to jerk off to… So this clip of Kristen Bell admitting she is a nutcase and bringing footage of her freaking out when her boyfriend Dax Shepard brought her a Sloth for her birthday….isn’t funny to me…it is scary…and even more scary is that Dax Shepard has a girlfriend and actually gets laid by anyone who isn’t the drunk girl at the bar in her mid 30s who remembers him on Punk’d and whatever shit movie he was in….but a girl who is successful enough of an actor to land a real boyfriend…Weird….but further evidence of her instability…

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Kristen Bell is an Unstable Bitch of the Day

Kara DioGuardi: Confirmed for American Idol

A former American Idol contestant clams the show is rigged . We cannot confirm or deny this accusation, but we can report the following series-related news: Kara DioGuardi is coming back to the judges’ table. Following weeks of rumors and questions about her status, a source told E! News that DioGuardi is on board for season nine.

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Kara DioGuardi: Confirmed for American Idol