Tag Archives: ridiculous-tits

Julianne Hough is Mean and Angry cuz she’s Chunky in a Bikini of the Day

Julianne Hough is so mad… I guess Ryan Seacrest isn’t fucking her with the prosthetic penis he puts on when she makes him fuck him as they watch gay porn so he can stay into it…. That would explain why she’s turned to emotional eating…and why she’s hiding her dancing body…that has fallen off…a hell of a lot more than a pregnancy would… I mean this girl’s got fat thighs and cankles, how does that make any fucking sense, when her whole purpose is to dance. Is it possible that Ryan Seacrest took this hetero lie to the next level of truth and decided to breed? I thought he was just a clone body for Dick Clark’s brain, I can’t imagine they made him with procreation capabilities… I mean I just assumed he was built with no genitals, like the giant Ken Doll him imitates everyday of his fucking life…. Either way….pics of a rude cunt being cunty…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Julianne Hough is Mean and Angry cuz she’s Chunky in a Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli Exploits Christmas for Financial Gain of the Day

Jewish Entrepreneur and set of ridiculous tits that were once mainstream and celebrated when they were being titty fucked by Leonardo DiCaprio and paid by Victoria’s Secret….has strategically turned herself into a brand of underwear….underwear that she models exclusively…even though she’s kinda thick now….more than ever…. Like most Jewish Entrepreneurs, she’s decide to make a Chirstmas video to promote her underwear, by dressing up like Santa, walking around then stripping, which luckily works for me, because I know Christmas is actually a Jewish Holiday and Channukah is just an excuse to strategize on how to manipulate all the non-jews to go into debt gifting each other like idiots…. Look into it…every since Jesus, Christmas has been Jewish… That said, check our Jewish VERY MERRY STEPFATHER GIFT GUIDE

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Bar Refaeli Exploits Christmas for Financial Gain of the Day

Arianny Celeste and Brittany Palmer Inside Fitness Magazine of the Day

These girls might be strippers who were given a chance….and UFC may have taken off harder than expected…but they are also pretty fucking fit…and I generally like girls who are fit…as long as they are not overly fit and their clit’s don’t start growing into dicks…you know the kind of fit that is low body fat but more importantly that makes a bitch lose her period making her hardly a bitch…even though fucking girls who can’t get their period and the whole no pregnancy thing is a hot concept and the reason I got for HPV ridden, hysterectomy girls, cuz that way you can’t really get trapped…

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Arianny Celeste and Brittany Palmer Inside Fitness Magazine of the Day

Sofia Vergara Tits for Allure September of the Day

Sofia Vergara has got some pretty ridiculous tits….her whole story bores me because I know it is a marketing lie…and I am convinced that her accent is just played up bullshit that is Hollywood’s way of pretending that they are giving a minority a chance, when really they are just an old boys club who give no one a chance…but then again, she could just be some rich Colombian with a dream and a violent coke cartel army behind her that broke legs to make this whole fame thing happen….but I’m not convinced there was any real struggle in her life and I guess none of that matters…cuz she’s here, she’s old, but busty and sometimes tits are all it takes to ignore conspiracy…..

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Sofia Vergara Tits for Allure September of the Day

Kate Upton’s Banned from MTV Commercial of the Day

Zoo York is part of Marc Ecko’s Empire…the same dude behind Ecko….but more importanlty he owns all MY FRIENDS AT COMPLEX ….and his marketing team was smart enough to do a few things….first…they brought in internet sensation Kate Upton, cuz her ridiculous tits get hits, but then they also made the ad semi sexual and inappropriate, edgy and exciting, with bugs running commentary as her big titty bounce as she jogged….something I feel she doesn’t do…cuz she’s Anna Nicole Smith in the making….but it still got banned on MTV, leading to more press, taking this graff/skate brand from 1993, to a whole other level of mainstream…Money fucking making….

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Kate Upton’s Banned from MTV Commercial of the Day

Kristen Bell is an Unstable Bitch of the Day

I hate unstable bitches more than pretty much anything….I generally like people with no emotion…cuz just the idea of hysterical laughing or extreme joy or anger or sadness with the flip of a switch scares me…it is actual madness that makes a motherfucker worry whether he is gonna get stabbed or some shit…..so seeing Kristen Bell, a barely there actress admit that she is a nutcase who cries when happy or sad like a mad person…makes reminds me that actor’s are fucking pussies but more importantly that sometimes the middle aged girl I want to fuck is better to jerk off to… So this clip of Kristen Bell admitting she is a nutcase and bringing footage of her freaking out when her boyfriend Dax Shepard brought her a Sloth for her birthday….isn’t funny to me…it is scary…and even more scary is that Dax Shepard has a girlfriend and actually gets laid by anyone who isn’t the drunk girl at the bar in her mid 30s who remembers him on Punk’d and whatever shit movie he was in….but a girl who is successful enough of an actor to land a real boyfriend…Weird….but further evidence of her instability…

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Kristen Bell is an Unstable Bitch of the Day

Danielle Sharp’s Titties for Front Magazine of the Day

Thes UK Busty bitches in magazines are slowly starting to make me understand why magazines like this exist…they post hot, busty, young looking girls with ridiculous tits in sleazy photoshoots, that may not show vagina lip, but that doesn’t matter since vagina lips don’t always reflect well on the tits they are associated with…

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Danielle Sharp’s Titties for Front Magazine of the Day