Tag Archives: once-mainstream

Bar Refaeli Exploits Christmas for Financial Gain of the Day

Jewish Entrepreneur and set of ridiculous tits that were once mainstream and celebrated when they were being titty fucked by Leonardo DiCaprio and paid by Victoria’s Secret….has strategically turned herself into a brand of underwear….underwear that she models exclusively…even though she’s kinda thick now….more than ever…. Like most Jewish Entrepreneurs, she’s decide to make a Chirstmas video to promote her underwear, by dressing up like Santa, walking around then stripping, which luckily works for me, because I know Christmas is actually a Jewish Holiday and Channukah is just an excuse to strategize on how to manipulate all the non-jews to go into debt gifting each other like idiots…. Look into it…every since Jesus, Christmas has been Jewish… That said, check our Jewish VERY MERRY STEPFATHER GIFT GUIDE

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Bar Refaeli Exploits Christmas for Financial Gain of the Day