Tag Archives: harden-plastic

In historic move, Canada to list BPA as ‘toxic’

Canada is in the process of a historic move to add bisphenol-A to its list of toxic substances, Environment Canada confirmed Wednesday. The chemical used in making plastic has become increasingly controversial since Ottawa promised two years ago it would designate it a toxic substance. Its estrogen-like effects are suspected of creating havoc with hormone levels. The government did ban the sale of polycarbonate plastic baby bottles that contain bisphenol-A in 2008. But any further action has been challenged fiercely by the chemical industry. The American Chemistry Council demanded a review of the proposed toxic listing last year, saying otherwise Canada would have “pandered to emotional zealots.” Declaring BPA toxic would not be “based on the best available data and scientific knowledge,” ACC executive director Steven Hentges said in a letter to Environment Canada. Minister Jim Prentice rejected the council’s demands for a board of review. “I am of the view that your notice does not bring forth any new scientific data or information,” he said in a response dated July 27 of this year Once a notice is published in the Canada Gazette, Prentice told Hentges, there will be more opportunity to comment or object. Last week, Statistics Canada disclosed that 91 per cent of people tested positive for BPA in their urine, with higher levels for children aged 6 to 11 than for adults over 40. The highest concentrations were in children. The chemical can leach into food from tin-can linings, plastic food covers and water bottles. Used to harden plastic, it is found in hundreds of household items, including CD liners and, most recently, sales receipts. Canada had been the first country in the world to declare that it intended to label BPA a toxic substance. Even now, the action would have international resonance. cont added by: JanforGore