Tag Archives: haute-montagne

Real Hero: Pilot Legendarily Lands Helicopter On High Mountain Range To Save Injured Skier [Video]

All heros don’t wear capes — some of them are just pilots with a keen sense of direction.  Like one helicopter aviator who bravely landed his chopper on The Alps, a.k.a. the highest and most extensive mountain in Europe, in order to save an injured skier. Nicolas Derely , who’s a friend of the fallen skier, miraculously had enough bars on his phone to call for help and to record the pilot’s epic landing. CNN reports, A helicopter from the Peloton de Gendarmerie de Haute Montagne (French Mountain Police) delicately nudged its nose towards the steep slope. The pilot managed to plant the aircraft’s right landing skid into the snowy incline to allow three members of the rescue team to disembark and treat the injured man. The medics fitted a leg brace on Bruno before the helicopter returned to perform the daring procedure again. With the helicopter’s rotor blades just inches away from smashing into the snow, the skier was winched away to a nearby hospital. The injured skier is safe and recovering from his failed kneww. His friend, Nicolas, now has over 1 millions hits on Facebook thanks to the video. #WinWin    

Real Hero: Pilot Legendarily Lands Helicopter On High Mountain Range To Save Injured Skier [Video]