Tag Archives: having-meetings

Nicola Peltz Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Nicola Peltz is the new girl from Transformers who has proven to the world that Michael Bay like tall blonde girls more than brunette girls – to play his leading chick in his garbage overpriced smut based on franchise he’s milking harder than one of his groupies milks his cock hoping for a part in his next movie.. But more importantly, that acting in his movie requires little to no talent, that’s why Megan Fox was so good for the part…you see cuz she sucks…and now this Nicola Peltz character is posting ass shots to instagram…taking full advantage of the exposure she’s got being in his heavily marketed nonsense… Looks good to me…

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Nicola Peltz Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Nicola Peltz Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Nicola Peltz is the new girl from Transformers who has proven to the world that Michael Bay like tall blonde girls more than brunette girls – to play his leading chick in his garbage overpriced smut based on franchise he’s milking harder than one of his groupies milks his cock hoping for a part in his next movie.. But more importantly, that acting in his movie requires little to no talent, that’s why Megan Fox was so good for the part…you see cuz she sucks…and now this Nicola Peltz character is posting ass shots to instagram…taking full advantage of the exposure she’s got being in his heavily marketed nonsense… Looks good to me…

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Nicola Peltz Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Sahara Ray Has a Swimwear Collection because Everyone Has One of the Day

I was once told that Sahara Ray had sex with someone I know. I don’t know if that is true or not, but based on the NAKED LUI SHOOT SHE DID …I would be down to watch…and sure that’s not saying all that much because I watch ugly people have sex all the fucking time…I am not hard to please…but it’s saying something because I would rather watch her fucking… Like every instagram model in LA, she’s launched her own bathing suit line, because the one thing the world needs is more fucking bathing suits…SWIM EVERY DAY MOTHERFUCKER and never wear the same suit twice…but I guess it’s worth supporting a girl with a dream and the tits to get some dude in the clothing business to invest in her because it’s not all that much money for a rich person to come up with 6 bathing suit styles in China, in exchange for having meetings with her…many meetings…all while trying on her own brand of suit… It’s actually cheaper than a hooker… That said…her campaign is on Polaroids…because she’s so fucking hip it hurts…and if you click on them they will get larger so you can fixate on her outstanding body. I think I should start trying to be her friend. I think this is day one of seduction. I think the love starts now and we need to Em-Rat-Cow her to the next level….because if Em-Rat-Cow taught us anything in her 11 months of fame…it’s that tits…are all that matters

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Sahara Ray Has a Swimwear Collection because Everyone Has One of the Day

Sahara Ray Has a Swimwear Collection because Everyone Has One of the Day

I was once told that Sahara Ray had sex with someone I know. I don’t know if that is true or not, but based on the NAKED LUI SHOOT SHE DID …I would be down to watch…and sure that’s not saying all that much because I watch ugly people have sex all the fucking time…I am not hard to please…but it’s saying something because I would rather watch her fucking… Like every instagram model in LA, she’s launched her own bathing suit line, because the one thing the world needs is more fucking bathing suits…SWIM EVERY DAY MOTHERFUCKER and never wear the same suit twice…but I guess it’s worth supporting a girl with a dream and the tits to get some dude in the clothing business to invest in her because it’s not all that much money for a rich person to come up with 6 bathing suit styles in China, in exchange for having meetings with her…many meetings…all while trying on her own brand of suit… It’s actually cheaper than a hooker… That said…her campaign is on Polaroids…because she’s so fucking hip it hurts…and if you click on them they will get larger so you can fixate on her outstanding body. I think I should start trying to be her friend. I think this is day one of seduction. I think the love starts now and we need to Em-Rat-Cow her to the next level….because if Em-Rat-Cow taught us anything in her 11 months of fame…it’s that tits…are all that matters

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Sahara Ray Has a Swimwear Collection because Everyone Has One of the Day