Tag Archives: health-given

CNN Wonders What Censure Will Do to Charlie Rangel’s Health

During coverage of Charlie Rangel's verdict delivered by the House Ethics Committee, CNN's John Roberts called the situation “tough times,” for the congressman – and wondered what the trauma will to Rangel's health given that he is 80 years old. Referring to the censure of Sen. McCarthy in the 1950s which “broke him,” Roberts remarked that “now Charlie Rangel's 80 years old, what will censuring potentially do to him?” CNN anchor Candy Crowley also mentioned Rangel's age, saying that the hearings were “tough to watch.” She added that “the next step” of the House voting on having the censure or not “is really even more painful.” “This is a rough one, but certainly one that has had, if you will, bipartisan support on something that's difficult, clearly, for the congressman to deal with,” Crowley said, putting the situation in perspective.