Travis is taking a break from being just “Kylie’s baby daddy” and getting back to business with a brand new album. Are you looking forward to hearing new tracks from the Houston rapper? Getty/Youtube
Via Daily News A woman dumped by text has become an internet sensation after her spectacular temper tantrum was caught on camera.The 24-year-old was heartbroken when she received a message from her boyfriend of several years telling her they were finished. And the woman then shocked onlookers in downtown Hong Kong when she threw herself to the floor in a rage, kicking her legs and screaming at passersby. Bystanders attempt to help the woman, but she becomes increasingly angry as she yells and flails around. Wearing a short gray tracksuit and white sneakers, with bright red hair, the woman draws a crowd thanks to her bizarre behavior, reported Opposing Views. Several people try to help the distraught woman, but she continues to roll around the floor, screaming and striking awkward poses. Reports suggest that the woman remained on the ground for more than an hour as bemused onlookers attempted to help her.Eventually police and paramedics arrived, and carried the woman away in a stretcher to put an end to the sorry scene. It’s never that serious !
Monica Talks Motherhood, New Music And Falling Out With Ciara Following her “misrepresented” comments about being “the real trap queen”, Monica hit Streetz 94.5 to discuss her life, her children, her new album, and her brief falling out with Ciara. Ciara talks starts at 14:35 You looking forward to hearing new tunes from Mo’, maybe even a collaboration Cici? Image via Freddy-O