If you listen to tabloid rumors, Robert Pattinson has either dumped Kristen Stewart or is about to be dumped by Kristen Stewart. But if you listed to this Twilight Saga star himself, well, you won’t hear anything at all about his real-life relationship. Still, Parade was able to get Robert to open up about kissing Kristen – in Eclipse , at least. Check out the following excerpts from Pattinson’s recent interview with that publication: On Edward/Bella lip locks : “Kissing felt a little bit more natural in Eclipse , even if there was plenty of it. In New Moon and Twilight it was always like, ‘Oh, I’m gonna kill you if I kiss you’ or something. It was always kind of odd. But, in this one, they both understand their situation a lot more, which makes it easier. It’s the first time Kristen and I have been able to just act like a normal couple.” On Edward wanting to wait : “Nowadays, everyone just goes around screwing everyone for no reason. Edward doesn’t really want to sort of cheapen his relationship with Bella, even though she’s pushing him to go all the way. He’s got this certain idea of how it should go with the love of his life. He wants to do it right and not just follow his base instincts. I guess I’m a bit old fashioned in that way as well.” So… are he and Kristen dating? “I guess people like stories, that’s my basic conclusion. They just want everything in our lives to be like Twilight. The truth is… that I wish I had a few more hours of sleep today so I could think of a better answer.” On dealing with Twihards : “I kind of made the transition in my head of not being freaked out by it… when it happens so often to you, you kind of actually look at people’s faces and see that they’re enjoying themselves, and it makes everything so much easier to accept. Everything becomes a lot easier.” Pattinson also appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this week. He had a couple of hilarious interactions with Emma Roberts, which you can watch now in our Robert video section . Enjoy!
Excerpt from:
Robert Pattinson Dishes on Eclipse Make Out Scenes, Twihards