Tag Archives: helps-the-cause

NRA President on Meet the Press: Call Me Crazy…

Following a press conference in which the NRA lobbied for guns in school , organization president Wayne LaPierre appeared today on Meet the Press and defended his group’s position. “If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” LaPierre told David Gregory, challenging the host by adding: “Most of the media, they’re protected by armed guards.” Wayne LaPierre on Meet the Press When asked if there was any gun legislation he would support, LaPierre refused to answer. Later on the show, Senator Chuck Schumer said LaPierre’s position is “so extreme and so tone-deaf, he actually helps the cause [of gun control]… He is so doctrinaire and so adamant, I think many gun owners don’t support him.” This issue, of course, is at the forefront of the country after Adam Lanza killed 26 people inside Sandy Hook Elementary School just over a week ago. Congress is allegedly working on an assault weapons ban , while President Obama and Vice President Biden appear dedicated to the passing some kind of major legislation. Would you be behind it? Do you support a change in the gun control laws?   YES. Fewer guns, fewer tragedies! NO. It’s unconstitutional and won’t stop anything! View Poll »

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NRA President on Meet the Press: Call Me Crazy…