Tag Archives: david-gregory

NRA President on Meet the Press: Call Me Crazy…

Following a press conference in which the NRA lobbied for guns in school , organization president Wayne LaPierre appeared today on Meet the Press and defended his group’s position. “If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” LaPierre told David Gregory, challenging the host by adding: “Most of the media, they’re protected by armed guards.” Wayne LaPierre on Meet the Press When asked if there was any gun legislation he would support, LaPierre refused to answer. Later on the show, Senator Chuck Schumer said LaPierre’s position is “so extreme and so tone-deaf, he actually helps the cause [of gun control]… He is so doctrinaire and so adamant, I think many gun owners don’t support him.” This issue, of course, is at the forefront of the country after Adam Lanza killed 26 people inside Sandy Hook Elementary School just over a week ago. Congress is allegedly working on an assault weapons ban , while President Obama and Vice President Biden appear dedicated to the passing some kind of major legislation. Would you be behind it? Do you support a change in the gun control laws?   YES. Fewer guns, fewer tragedies! NO. It’s unconstitutional and won’t stop anything! View Poll »

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NRA President on Meet the Press: Call Me Crazy…

Gingrich RIPS David Gregory for Making Limbaugh ‘The Great National Crisis of This Week’ (Video)


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With all that ails the nation, Meet the Press host David Gregory actually began his interview with Newt Gingrich by asking him about contraceptives and Rush Limbaugh. “Should the President apologize to all the men and women in uniform who … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 04/03/2012 18:03 Number of articles : 2

Gingrich RIPS David Gregory for Making Limbaugh ‘The Great National Crisis of This Week’ (Video)

Pawlenty Suggests Being Gay Is A Choice, Claims Science "In Dispute"


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On Sunday’s Meet The Press with David Gregory, Tim Pawlenty suggested being gay is a choice, and falsely claimed that “the science in that regard is in dispute.” Related posts: “Values” vs. Science: America’s Right-Wing’s Ridiculous Anti-Marriage Equality Arguments Gay? Straight? Sexual Orientation Not A Choice, But Set At Birth Bachmann, Pawlenty, Gingrich “Glittered” By Activists Protesting Anti-Gay… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The New Civil Rights Movement Discovery Date : 10/07/2011 18:39 Number of articles : 2

Pawlenty Suggests Being Gay Is A Choice, Claims Science "In Dispute"

Michele Bachmann: “A Second Administration of Jimmy Carter Wouldn’t Have Done This Country Any Favors, We Need to Make Sure We Don’t Have a Second Obama Administration” (Video)


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No wonder the state-run media thinks she’s extremist. Michele Bachmann told far left crank David Gregory: “A second Jimmy Carter Administration wouldn’t have done this country any favors. We need to make sure we don’t have a second Obama Administration.” … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 25/03/2011 11:01 Number of articles : 2

Michele Bachmann: “A Second Administration of Jimmy Carter Wouldn’t Have Done This Country Any Favors, We Need to Make Sure We Don’t Have a Second Obama Administration” (Video)

David Gregory to Hillary Clinton: Might GOP Hurt U.S. Prestige and Obama on World Stage

David Gregory is clearly concerned that if Republicans don't vote in favor of the START treaty with Russia, President Obama's international image, as well as American prestige abroad, will be damaged. On Sunday's “Meet the Press,” Gregory asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “Is this going to potentially be a problem with the president not being able to get what he wants on the world stage because of Republicans?” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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David Gregory to Hillary Clinton: Might GOP Hurt U.S. Prestige and Obama on World Stage

One Day After Rev. Jones Hits NBC, David Gregory Said No One Should Give Jones a Platform

Rev. Terry Jones may have announced on Saturday’s Today that he wouldn’t be burning any Korans, but on Sunday Today, NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory was suggesting Jones wasn’t worthy of anyone’s airtime: “I don’t see why this pastor Jones has any sort of forum or any platform that’s worthy of discussion.” Did Gregory lose that debate inside NBC? When asked by anchor Jenna Wolfe about the Koran-burning controversy, Gregory insisted that President Obama’s opposition will have a “big impact,” and yet, when asked if this incident would hurt America abroad, he didn’t think so (after all, Obama has been so effective at that outreach to the Muslim world):  WOLFE: So let’s get right to it. So the president said in that speech in DC yesterday, he said, quote, “We are not and never will be at war with Islam.” Again, a message he’s been trying to convey all week. What kind of impact is that going to have? GREGORY: Well, I think it has a big impact. I think the president at the end of the week was able successfully to wade into this controversy about this Florida pastor, get him to stand down, the Quran will not be burned, and what would have been, you know, a small group of hate-mongers, but nevertheless the fear was it could have much wider international implications. I think it is striking nine years later that our leaders are confronted with anti-Muslim sentiment in the country as a primary legacy of 9/11. Yes, the war on terror is still being fought in a robust way around the world, yet even the president on Friday made the point of saying it cannot dominate America’s foreign policy in the way that it has over the past decade. WOLFE: David, Reverend Terry Jones said yesterday on the show here, he will not burn Qurans not this weekend, not any time in the future, but has the damage already been done, both here and potentially abroad as well? GREGORY: I don’t know that it has. I mean, I think it’s been, you know, a big story here and the issue of anti-Muslim sentiment is one that as Americans we have to confront, that our leadership has to confront , and we are doing that in a very, you know, in a varied set of ways, both here and what’s happening overseas. I think the real concern was the image that could have come from those threats of the actual burning of the holy Quran. That’s something that the administration felt would have actually had a direct impact on our troops fighting in places like Afghanistan. WOLFE: Well, let’s talk about what the White House’s role is here. Terry Jones came here to potentially meet with the imam; as far as we know, there has no meeting that’s been set as of yet. Is it the White House’s responsibility to facilitate a meeting between the two at any point? GREGORY: I can’t see any reason why there should be a meeting between the two. I think one doesn’t have anything to do with the other. I mean, it can be sort of conflated neatly. I don’t see why this pastor Jones has any sort of forum or any platform that’s worthy of discussion. You know, he seems rather ignorant about even what his complaints about Islam are. So I don’t think that’s where the discourse ought to be. If there’s going to be discourse, it would seem to me it would make sense that it happens in New York, as a community that’s dealing with what should go where and how that should move forward. I don’t think the pastor has any role in that, and I certainly don’t think the White House wants to broker anything. Despite this toeing of the liberal line, on the last question from Wolfe, Gregory was not sanguine about Obama’s chances of avoiding a big Republican electoral tide.

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One Day After Rev. Jones Hits NBC, David Gregory Said No One Should Give Jones a Platform

NBC’s David Gregory: White House Rhetoric ‘Anti-Business,’ ‘Could Really Discourage Businesses’ in U.S.

Wow, just wow. Never would have seen this one coming, but is one of the standard-bearers of the media elite recognizing the Obama administration’s anti-business populist tone is inhibiting the U.S. economy? On the June 18 broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” NBC “Meet the Press” moderator David Gregory was asked to respond to a June 18 New York Times article by David Sanger suggesting the Obama administration may be “overstepping” and discouraging business growth in the United States. Gregory told “Squawk Box” viewers that in his view they were and called it “a real problem.” “It is, certainly beyond Washington,” Gregory explained. “You all know it talking to business leaders every day and I do speak to business leaders quite often as well and I hear it time and time again that what you got at the administration are two problems. One, you’ve got nobody in the inner sanctum of the President’s advisers who has ever run a business – who have never run a business. And that’s a real problem. I think there’s a level of recognition about that being a problem in the West Wing as well. But the rhetoric and the policy substantively, a lot of people feel, is anti-business and getting to a point where it could really discourage businesses in the United States and certainly the multinationals working here as well. That’s a problem and I think that element of criticism from Joe Barton, while off the reservation substantively, got to that larger point, which is this populist string.” Gregory elaborated on the lack of business experience in the President’s inner circle and explained it has hurt the White House’s ability to get solid policy measures in place. “I think they would like to have more people advising the President who have that business acumen,” Gregory said. “But let’s call it what it is. They made a decision early on in this financial crisis they were going to demonize anybody from Wall Street. They wouldn’t take anybody who had the quote, unquote ‘taint of Wall Street’ and that’s a problem because you have the expertise that they could have leveraged, brought inside, to try to deal with financial regulation and all the rest. He’s going to get financial reforms. But nevertheless, they made the decision, going back to the AIG mess and the bonuses. And that has carried forward.” And Gregory said he thought the White House was second-guessing their decision to take this route. “I think there is [second-guessing] because I think they recognize that, look they’re at a point on stimulus alone, who’s going to create the jobs here? Forty-one thousand private sector jobs last month. The private sector has to start to feel like it’s got more confidence to lend more, to start more business investment, to stop hoarding cash. And a lot of that is going on – again, I realize you know this better than I do because of the question marks and- all of the uncertainty coming out of Washington and particularly this administration.”

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NBC’s David Gregory: White House Rhetoric ‘Anti-Business,’ ‘Could Really Discourage Businesses’ in U.S.

Christiane Amanpour: Too Brunette, Persian For TV? [Bias]

There is some controversy over Christiane Amanpour taking over ABC’s This Week. Longtime Washington Post critic Tom Shales , for example, is upset that she hates Israel and has bad hair. Now, normally, there’s nothing wrong with Tom Shales . He’s become a kind of boring TV critic, and being merely “kind of boring” instead of “actively terrible” at the Washington Post is actually doing pretty well for yourself. His SNL book was great and I am looking forward to his ESPN book. But it is increasingly apparent that he brokers no dissent in television figures when it comes to the subject of Israel, and he also has a really nasty tendency to suspect non-Jews with family ties to the Middle East of bias. Like, did you know that Helen Thomas is criticizes Israel because her parents were Syrian immigrants (like three hundred years ago)? And Amanpour—certainly sounds French, but she’s actually half-Persian. This is over the line, really. Amanpour is anti-Israel because 60 people joined a Facebook group and she’s from (pre-Islamic Revolution) Iran? Ugh. And then Tom made some sexist cracks in his livechat today. During his Washington Post chat today about his column, Shales called Amanpour “one of the most over-rated and hyped personalities of our day” and then added: “neither you nor I has stooped to mentioning that hair of hers — yipe. What’s the deal with that, as David Letterman might say.” He also wondered whether ABC will “try to turn Amanpour into Little ms Politics.” I… I don’t know what is up with her hair. It seems pretty normal to me? Besides, you know, not being blonde. To say “ooh that hair” is mildly chauvinistic, but it’s also just the sort of thing people say about people on TV, male or female. (No one ever thought Sam Donaldson’s hair disqualified him from being taken seriously, but they did indeed make a lot of fun of it.) But yes, “Little Ms. Politics” is pretty gross. (It also sounds like a title that a lady Fox correspondent would happily accept.) And Glenn Greenwald makes the obvious point that no one serious (like, newspaper critic-level, not nutty blogger-level) ever really talks about the Jewishness of Wolf Blitzer or David Gregory and wonders whether or not that affects their objectivity. (Nor does anyone mention that former AIPAC employee Blitzer is also a complete moron. Seriously, there are not thoughts in his head. He just emits sounds. He is a professional sound-maker.) I, for one, think Amanpour-to- This Week might be a dumb idea and a shame because we’re taking one of our very few television celebrities who does anything to educate television-watching Americans about foreign affairs and sentencing her to a career of eliciting canned responses from the same idiot elected officials. Seems like a waste of her experience and expertise. But she’s earned a rest from real journalism and CNN is an identity-less third-place joke, so ABC might be good for her. Still: a prominent 52-year-old half-Persian woman is being subject to attacks based on her sex and ethnicity! Color us shocked! Time to watch Megyn Kelly explain some poll she read that told her 99% of voters spontaneously weep when they even think of Obamacare .

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Christiane Amanpour: Too Brunette, Persian For TV? [Bias]

Old Man Lamely Defends the Goldbricking Defeatist He Coronated

If you’ve wondered whether John McCain , in light of recent events, has felt a heightened sense of shame for choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate, we have an answer: No! Further, she may have quit because of thinning hair. McCain was a guest on Meet the Press today and was quizzed on the whole Palin resignation fiasco by David Gregory .

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Old Man Lamely Defends the Goldbricking Defeatist He Coronated