Tag Archives: helen-thomas

Mel Gibson Doesn’t Make Anti-Semitic Cut of 2010!

Filed under: Mel Gibson , Helen Thomas , Oliver Stone Mel Gibson has just been snubbed by the premier Jewish organization in America — he’s nowhere to be found on the 10 most anti-Semitic list. The Simon Wiesenthal Center just released its “2010 Top Ten Anti-Semitic Slurs” list: Topping this year’s list… Read more

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Mel Gibson Doesn’t Make Anti-Semitic Cut of 2010!

House approves major increase in military aid to Israel

While the entire nation is debating about taxes (complete distraction from the root of the nation's real economic problems), look who is getting even MORE cash from the feckless American debt slaves. America's foreign policy, dominated by Zionists, as stated by Helen Thomas and many others, is destroying the economy. *** The House of Representatives earlier this week approved a significant increase in the level of military aid to Israel, pushing the level to $3 billion in flat military aid, with an additional $205 million set aside for a short range rocket system. Both of the increases were already planned as part of a memorandum of understanding between the United States and Israel, but were formally approved as part of the 212-206 vote in the House on Wednesday. Rep. Steve Rothman (D – NJ) said the increase in aid to Israel “sends a strong message to both our enemies and allies,” but also comes at a time when the US has only just abandoned the Israeli peace process over its inability to convince Israel to agree to even a short term freeze. added by: maasanova

Helen Thomas attacked for saying the obvious about Israel

The Anti-Defamation League and other Jewish organizations have defamed the elderly thought criminal, Helen Thomas, as a 'vulgar anti-Semite' and ordered journalism schools, professional organizations to no longer recognize former White House correspondent. “I can call a president of the United States anything in the book but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” said Thomas. “No Americans would tolerate that – white-only roads.” added by: maasanova

Video: Helen Thomas’s Most Recent Anti-Semitic Rant

As NewsBusters previously reported , disgraced former White House correspondent Helen Thomas on Thursday made more anti-Semitic remarks in public this time telling an anti-Arab bias workshop in Detroit, “Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists.” Jeff Dunetz at Yid With Lid has uncovered a video of her entire pathetic speech (video follows with commentary): read more

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Video: Helen Thomas’s Most Recent Anti-Semitic Rant

Helen Thomas: Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists

Oh boy, Helen Thomas can't keep her big mouth shut. She's exercising her God given right to free speech as if it were going to be taken away tomorrow! *** In a speech that drew a standing ovation, Helen Thomas talked about “the whole question of money involved in politics.” “I can call a president of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No Americans would tolerate that — white-only roads.” “We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There's no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where there mouth is…We're being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”… In her speech to about 300 inside a center in Dearborn, Thomas lashed out at the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying they were built on lies. And she decried bias against Arabs. Who said there are only two acts in American lives? Thomas keeps on going. Here she is in the Detroit Free Press saying that her firing has liberated her to speak the truth about Zionist influence. Apparently she gave a speech in Dearborn, Michigan. John Mearsheimer lately called Dennis Ross an agent for Israel and Thomas calls him a Zionist. Well for god's sake he headed the Jewish People Policy Institute, which is based in Jerusalem. Isn't that a story? This guy is now making our policy? Is Thomas right or is she wrong about Zionist influence? When will the debate really happen? I think the answer is, When Jews come out strongly against Zionism and can show that this is not about Jews, it is about an ideology/mindset/frame that pervades and distorts Jewish life. Of course, the National Chairman of the Jewish-run Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Abraham Foxman is continuing his onging efforts of actually DEFAMING anyone who dares to breach the ultimate taboo. “Helen Thomas has clearly, unequivocally revealed herself as a vulgar anti-Semite,” Foxman said in a statement. “Her suggestion that Zionists control government, finance and Hollywood is nothing less than classic, garden-variety anti-Semitism. This is a sad final chapter to an otherwise illustrious career. Unlike her previous, spontaneous remarks into a camera, these words were carefully thought out and conscious. It shows a prejudice that is deep-seated and obsessive.” added by: maasanova

Helen Thomas: Reminding America that no criticism of Israel is allowed

The mainstream media rose up as one giant fist and destroyed Helen Thomas for daring to question the legitimacy of Israel and for breaching the Zionist “no-talk” rule on criticizing the Jewish State. added by: maasanova

Lady Gaga Judges No One…Except the U.S. Military

Is there no end to the many talents of Lady Gaga, already recognized as the greatest Madonna impersonator of this century? Of course we all know her as a singer, musician, fashionista and female impersonator, but recently she has revealed herself as maven in two new areas: military expert and political advisor. It started at the MTV Video Music Awards. That is ironic in itself since I think that MTV stopped being a music channel sometime in the 1990’s. Ms. Gaga, (I don’t know if “Lady” is a title or simply the first part of her pseudonym) appeared in a costume made of meat. When asked the meaning of her get-up by Ellen DeGeneres, she explained it wasn’t a slam on vegans.   “As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth,” Gaga replied.   Wow! Did the irony of that statement knock anyone else down into their La-Z-Boy? That might be the truest thing she has ever said. It wasn’t too long ago that having judgment skills was considered a plus. Not anymore! Be that as it may, the whole idea was to call attention to the plight of gay folks in the military. If you don’t see the linkage between “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” narcissistic self- indulgence and wearing a Porterhouse, come on over and sit on the terminally un-hip bench with me while I try to figure it out.  Ms. Gaga went on to explain that her being accompanied by some disgruntled former employees of the military was a political protest: “For me this evening, if we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights pretty soon, we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on own bones. And, I am not a piece of meat.” I am not really sure what that means, either. I am a fairly hefty guy and I have a lot of meat on my bones. So are my rights safe? Perhaps Ms. Gaga is trying to tell us that DADT is somehow linked to anorexia in the fashion industry. Ahhh, now it’s all starting to come together. She went on to say: “It is a devastation to me that I know my fans who are gay . . . feel like they have government oppression on them.” Not that there “is” government oppression but that they “feel” there is oppression. Later she “tweeted” to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Senator was smitten with Lady Gaga. They tweeted back and forth for days! That is, if you think they do their own “tweeting.” I believe that both have people who do this job for them and the job title is “Twit.”  There is probably a Head Twit and several Assistant Twits. I imagine Lady Gaga and Harry Reid are surrounded by Twits. Perhaps he is just looking for his next gig when he finds himself unemployed in November. Crossposted at Big Hollywood  

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Lady Gaga Judges No One…Except the U.S. Military

Media ‘Feeding Frenzy’ Continues in Palin Coverage, Gainor Says

The video of journalists mocking Sarah Palin after a speech she delivered Friday is just the latest in a long line of media bias against the former Alaska governor and conservative superstar. An open mic caught reporters and photographers criticizing Palin following a speech at a fundraising dinner at California State University. “Oh my God,” one voice is heard saying, “I feel like I just got off a roller coaster, going round and round, and up and down. S*** flying out … everywhere.” While this video is among the clearest examples of media hatred for Palin, the trend goes back at least two years, according to MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor. “Back around the vice presidential debate in 2008 there were 37 negative stories on the broadcast networks, just two positive,” Gainor told “Fox & Friends” June 27. “It’s been a feeding frenzy ever since. Some of these journalists hate her so bad if she cured cancer they’d complain how many doctors she put out of work.” Gainor credited advances in technology with giving the American public a clearer picture of media bias in cases like the Palin video, Helen Thomas’ anti-Israel comments, and Washington Post blogger Dave Weigel’s anti-conservative e-mails. “What they’re discovering, and the key point is, their lies, their leaks, their embarrassing moments are going be to be held out there just like they’ve been doing to everybody else for decades,” Gainor said. “My parents would say, ‘What goes around comes around.'”

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Media ‘Feeding Frenzy’ Continues in Palin Coverage, Gainor Says

Open Thread: When Congressmen Attack

A couple of college students with camera phones approached Rep. Bob Etheridge, D-N.C., after a fundraiser and asked him if he supports “the Obama agenda.” He did not respond well . Etheridge was obviously out of line, but did he commit a crime ?

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Open Thread: When Congressmen Attack

Howard Kurtz Oddly Suggests Few ‘Onlookers’ Noticed Helen Thomas Had Veered Into Rants

Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz wrote Monday that Helen Thomas could have spared herself an embarrassing quick retirement if her media colleagues had “gently suggested” it was time to go. He said the press corps saw her as an “eccentric aunt,” but he claimed most of the country never saw her as cranky and ideological: But that’s not how she was seen by much of the country, which still viewed her as the groundbreaking correspondent she once was, not the cranky columnist she had become. So when Aunt Helen snapped that Israelis should “get the hell out of Palestine” — and go back to Germany, among other places — many onlookers were stunned. Any onlooker who was stunned wasn’t in the habit of watching White House briefings – or reading how media watchdog groups (ahem) routinely recounted Helen’s rants. Kurtz noted that journalists went soft on a colleague because they usually stay together in a pack, but didn’t quite note that journalists shared the vigorously anti-Bush/Cheney viewpoint Thomas offered: Journalists, especially those who spend a great deal of time together, don’t usually turn on each other. If Thomas was spewing bias and bile, the reasoning went, what was the harm? Kurtz acknowledged the reality that few journalists actually read her Hearst column, and she was never known as a great writer or notable breaker of scoops. But her columnist phase seemed to cloud her earlier reputation from her “choice bit of real estate” in the front row seat at the White House: There was something to admire in Thomas’s determination to ask uncomfortable questions. But when she declared George W. Bush the “worst president ever” in 2003, she shed any pretense of fair-mindedness. As time went on, her questions turned into speeches, as in this 2007 challenge to Bush over Iraq: “Mr. President, you started this war. It’s a war of your choosing. You can end it, alone. Today. At this point bring in peacekeepers, U.N. peacekeepers. Two million Iraqis have fled the country as refugees. Two million more are displaced. Thousands and thousands are dead. Don’t you understand? We brought the al-Qaeda into Iraq.” One might agree or disagree with those sentiments, but she was performing as an activist, not a journalist. Former CNN correspondent Jamie McIntyre wrote last week that “there’s a big difference between asking tough questions and getting answers to tough questions. Anyone can ASK tough questions. But figuring out how to hold government officials accountable, by posing questions in such a way that they can’t avoid answering them, is a much harder, and far more valuable journalistic exercise than just venting from a padded front seat in the White House briefing room. Helen Thomas’ questions were not designed to probe weaknesses in the president’s policies. They were just meant to provoke him.” Former Bush speechwriter David Frum said on his blog that “calling on Helen Thomas was a notorious method for a hard-pressed White House press secretary to EVADE tough questions from the rest of the press corps. A zany, out-of-left-field protest from Thomas would disrupt a flow of unwelcome queries, maybe spark a tension-breaking laugh, maybe change the subject altogether.” Frum is right that Helen’s rants were not designed to elicit meaningful answers. But it would be wrong to suggest that an Ari Fleischer would have welcomed the chance to call on Helen to disrupt a flow of questions or change the subject. There were occasions — as when I was in the briefing room in 2001 and 2002 — when other reporters (ABC’s Terry Moran comes to mind, working for “pro-Palestinian” anchor Peter Jennings) would support a Helen question, insist she had a point, and asked Fleischer to elaborate on his answer. I would also beg to differ with Frum on the notion that Helen’s questions could spark a “tension-breaking laugh.” They were often tension- builders , not tension-breakers. There was rarely giggling when Helen asked a question. By contrast, when conservative Les Kinsolving would begin reading one of his long questions from his notebook, often citing a report in The Washington Times, the chortling was an everyday affair, and it would start almost immediately, even if the question was good. PS: Kurtz ended his Media Notes column by relaying Sarah Palin’s interview with Greta van Susteren on “Boobgate” and other controversies. The Post had a picture of Palin with the snarky caption: “REFUTING THE RUMOR: ‘Nooo, I have not had implants,’ Sarah Palin told the intrepid Greta van Susteren.”

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Howard Kurtz Oddly Suggests Few ‘Onlookers’ Noticed Helen Thomas Had Veered Into Rants