Tag Archives: helter-skelter

Killer Nudity News from Manson Girls Tania Raymonde and Brit Morgan

Last month on the Mr. Skin blog we reported on the titillating thespians, Taryn Manning and Monica Keena , who have been cast as two of Charlie’s naked angels in the upcoming killer hippie epic Manson Girls . Now Lost babe Tania Raymonde , who is playing Leslie Van Houten , and True Blood alum Brit Morgan , making her nude debut as Patricia Krenwinkel , are talking Helter Skelter with Manson Girls director Susanna Lo on horror site Stay Thirsty, and it looks like Tania and Brit will be getting nude as well! Susanna Lo: You are both young and upcoming actresses on the big and small screens. Some of your older and more experienced co-stars have admitted to avoiding nudity and strong sexuality early in their careers. Do either of you have a concern about doing the girl-on-girl sex scenes between your characters or the group sex scenes at such an early stage of your career? Tania Raymonde: You can’t make a movie about the Manson girls without showing how the girls related to one another. They shared sexual connections as well as emotional ones. They were coerced and brainwashed into group sex situations that they more or less enjoyed. Sex was the glue that held their family together. It’s important to show how these girls lived. I’m only portraying a character as accurately as I can, as I would with any role. As far as the nudity is concerned, I’ll get over it. Brit Morgan: I have been avoiding nudity, for almost everything, so far in my career as well. So the sex scenes are new territory for me, but I am not as concerned as I imagined I’d be. Probably because this is one of the only films I’ve read where it seems like it’s necessary and integral to the authenticity of the story. Sexuality was such an important factor in the 1960’s and in the lives of these girls, so I am willing to express that part of myself. Girl-girl sex scenes? Group sex? Manson Girls is shaping up to be the grooviest love-in since the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Until all the, uhm, brutal murders, of course. Stay tuned right here on the Mr. Skin blog for all the newest, nudest news on Manson Girls and other nude movies currently in development!

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Killer Nudity News from Manson Girls Tania Raymonde and Brit Morgan

Lady GaGa – Dance In The Dark, New Album

Speakers opens to distortion, faceless moans and the words “silicone, saline, poison, inject me baby. I’m a free bitch, I’m a free bitch”. This is how Lady GaGa kicks off her most intricate and engaging song yet. Continue reading