Tag Archives: mother-superior

Jennifer Hudson Joins ‘Three Stooges’ Cast

The singer/actress will play a nun in the Farrelly brothers’ long-in-the-works movie based on the classic comedy trio. By Gil Kaufman Jennifer Hudson Photo: Getty Jennifer Hudson is headed back to the big screen, and you’ll never guess in which movie. The Oscar- and Grammy-winning singer/actress has been cast as a nun in the Farrelly brothers’ long-gestating film “The Three Stooges.” According to The Hollywood Reporter , Hudson will play one of the nuns in the orphanage where the Stooges spend some time as children alongside “Glee” star Jane Lynch, who has been cast as Mother Superior in the film. Hudson’s Sister Rosemary will be among a trio of nuns that reportedly will also include “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star Larry David. After years of false starts and attempts to reboot the classic eye-poking, head-bonking comedy franchise with stars such as Sean Penn, Benicio del Toro and Jim Carrey, the movie now is being headlined by the trio of Sean Hayes, Will Sasso and Chris Diamontopoulos. “The Three Stooges” is slated to hit theaters after Hudson’s already-filmed Winnie Mandela biopic, “Winnie.” Hudson has appeared in a number of other films since her star-making turn in 2006’s “Dreamgirls,” including “Sex and the City,” “The Secret Life of Bees” and the little-seen “Winged Creatures” (also known as “Fragments”). The Three Stooges, the dimwitted trio originated by Moe Howard, Curly Howard and Larry Fine, starred in nearly 200 shorts and movies from 1930 to Moe and Larry’s death in 1975 (Curly passed away in 1952), influencing countless comics along the way. With help from Curly replacements Shemp Howard, Joe Besser and Curly Joe DeRita, the comedy team explored the bromance long before the term was coined, loving and hating each other through numerous adventures that reimagined them as plumbers, soldiers, physicians and all-around numbskulls. Rather than being a biopic, the Farrellys have said in the past that their flick will be a modern-day take on the Stooges, most likely consisting of several short films within the movie. Check out everything we’ve got on “The Three Stooges.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com . Related Videos MTV News Extended Play: Jennifer Hudson Related Artists Jennifer Hudson

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Jennifer Hudson Joins ‘Three Stooges’ Cast

Killer Nudity News from Manson Girls Tania Raymonde and Brit Morgan

Last month on the Mr. Skin blog we reported on the titillating thespians, Taryn Manning and Monica Keena , who have been cast as two of Charlie’s naked angels in the upcoming killer hippie epic Manson Girls . Now Lost babe Tania Raymonde , who is playing Leslie Van Houten , and True Blood alum Brit Morgan , making her nude debut as Patricia Krenwinkel , are talking Helter Skelter with Manson Girls director Susanna Lo on horror site Stay Thirsty, and it looks like Tania and Brit will be getting nude as well! Susanna Lo: You are both young and upcoming actresses on the big and small screens. Some of your older and more experienced co-stars have admitted to avoiding nudity and strong sexuality early in their careers. Do either of you have a concern about doing the girl-on-girl sex scenes between your characters or the group sex scenes at such an early stage of your career? Tania Raymonde: You can’t make a movie about the Manson girls without showing how the girls related to one another. They shared sexual connections as well as emotional ones. They were coerced and brainwashed into group sex situations that they more or less enjoyed. Sex was the glue that held their family together. It’s important to show how these girls lived. I’m only portraying a character as accurately as I can, as I would with any role. As far as the nudity is concerned, I’ll get over it. Brit Morgan: I have been avoiding nudity, for almost everything, so far in my career as well. So the sex scenes are new territory for me, but I am not as concerned as I imagined I’d be. Probably because this is one of the only films I’ve read where it seems like it’s necessary and integral to the authenticity of the story. Sexuality was such an important factor in the 1960’s and in the lives of these girls, so I am willing to express that part of myself. Girl-girl sex scenes? Group sex? Manson Girls is shaping up to be the grooviest love-in since the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Until all the, uhm, brutal murders, of course. Stay tuned right here on the Mr. Skin blog for all the newest, nudest news on Manson Girls and other nude movies currently in development!

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Killer Nudity News from Manson Girls Tania Raymonde and Brit Morgan

Great Nude performances: Yumi Takigawa in School of the Holy Beast

When you think about the world’s top producers of nunsploitation, Japan isn’t the first that comes to mind. Italy? Of course, the Pope lives there. Mexico? Sure, they’re all Catholic. But Japan? You bet your sweet ass- or, in this case, the sweet ass of Yumi Takigawa , the sacrelicious star of School of the Holy Beast . This bizarre slice of nude cultural misappropriation comes to you courtesy of Norifumi Suzuki , the director of cunt fu fightin’ classics Sex & Fury and Girl Boss Guerilla , two of the most mam-orable entries in Japanese movie giant Toei sudios’ “pinky violence” line. Though the number of Japanese Catholics is very, very small- just under 0.5% of the population- the titillation factor of ladies of the cloth losing their habits for scenes of bondage, whippings, and lesbian lovin’ proved to be just as appealing in the Land of the Rising Sun as in the shadow of the Vatican. As the 70’s wore on, the nunsplotation craze hit Japan full force with titles like Cloistered Nun: Runa’s Confession and Sins of Sister Lucia , but all these titles owe a debt to School of the Holy Beast , which brought the genre to Japan and created the template for all the blasphemous, bawdy fun to come. Yumi Takigawa stars as Maya, a young woman who joins a mysterious convent to find out what happened to her mother, who died in the care of the nuns years before. What this undercover sister finds is a virtual pressure cooker of suppressed carnal desires, which the lesbian Mother Superior urges her charges to (literally) whip out of themsleves. In one scene, two nuns seeks Sapphic solace in each others’ arms in the bath; in another, two nuns suggestively gorge themselves on fish sausages for want of the man kind. When the Mother Superior catches these two sausage-suckers in the act, she forces them to engage in a topless whip fight as penance. When Yumi’s secret motives for joining the convent are revealed, the nuns bind her with thorny vines and beat her with roses in a beautifully staged scene that is heaven for bondage fans. Check out all of the breast nudity from yummy Japanese sexploitation star Yumi Takigawa and School of the Holy Beast right here on MrSkin.com!

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Great Nude performances: Yumi Takigawa in School of the Holy Beast

Great Nude performances: Yumi Takigawa in School of the Holy Beast

When you think about the world’s top producers of nunsploitation, Japan isn’t the first that comes to mind. Italy? Of course, the Pope lives there. Mexico? Sure, they’re all Catholic. But Japan? You bet your sweet ass- or, in this case, the sweet ass of Yumi Takigawa , the sacrelicious star of School of the Holy Beast . This bizarre slice of nude cultural misappropriation comes to you courtesy of Norifumi Suzuki , the director of cunt fu fightin’ classics Sex & Fury and Girl Boss Guerilla , two of the most mam-orable entries in Japanese movie giant Toei sudios’ “pinky violence” line. Though the number of Japanese Catholics is very, very small- just under 0.5% of the population- the titillation factor of ladies of the cloth losing their habits for scenes of bondage, whippings, and lesbian lovin’ proved to be just as appealing in the Land of the Rising Sun as in the shadow of the Vatican. As the 70’s wore on, the nunsplotation craze hit Japan full force with titles like Cloistered Nun: Runa’s Confession and Sins of Sister Lucia , but all these titles owe a debt to School of the Holy Beast , which brought the genre to Japan and created the template for all the blasphemous, bawdy fun to come. Yumi Takigawa stars as Maya, a young woman who joins a mysterious convent to find out what happened to her mother, who died in the care of the nuns years before. What this undercover sister finds is a virtual pressure cooker of suppressed carnal desires, which the lesbian Mother Superior urges her charges to (literally) whip out of themsleves. In one scene, two nuns seeks Sapphic solace in each others’ arms in the bath; in another, two nuns suggestively gorge themselves on fish sausages for want of the man kind. When the Mother Superior catches these two sausage-suckers in the act, she forces them to engage in a topless whip fight as penance. When Yumi’s secret motives for joining the convent are revealed, the nuns bind her with thorny vines and beat her with roses in a beautifully staged scene that is heaven for bondage fans. Check out all of the breast nudity from yummy Japanese sexploitation star Yumi Takigawa and School of the Holy Beast right here on MrSkin.com!

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Great Nude performances: Yumi Takigawa in School of the Holy Beast

Great Nude Performances: Marina Hedman in Images in a Convent

Yesterday in our Great Nude Performances tribute to Cecilia Pezet , we casually mentioned that European nunsploitation films of the ’70s often contain explicit scenes of nun-on-nun action, and then dropped the subject without even posting any pictures. This was mean, and we apologize. As penance for our sin of omission, today we humbly offer you Marina Hedman in Images in a Convent (1979) as our Great Nude Performance. Directed by Joe D’Amato, the Italian filth master responsible for such depravity as Porno Holocaust , Erotic Nights of the Living Dead , Voodoo Baby , and Caligula: The Untold Story , Images in a Convent follows a formula familiar to fans of the genre: a mysterious man infiltrates a group of sexually repressed nuns, and all Hell (literally) breaks loose. What makes this film special is the way it in habits (hyuk hyuk) the space between softcore and hardcore skinema, inserting explicit scenes of lesbian lovemaking (and one very graphic, disturbing rape scene) into the storyline. The plot (such as it is) concerns the lusty daughter of a 19th century nobleman who is sent to a convent after the death of her father. This sexy sister has no intentions of keeping a vow of chastity, however, as she makes clear by greeting her new Mother Superior wearing her veil- but no top! This naughty novitiate, played by Paola Senatore , finds the aforementioned naked man, whose presence at the convent drives the sisters wild with passion- for each other. Images in a Convent has all sorts of blasphemous boinking to finger your rosary to: topless whippings, Sapphic schtupping, demonic dildo play, and a nude finale for the ages as the sisters, full of the Satanic spirit, shed their habits and begin diddling themselves en masse! Future hardcore star Marina Hedma n turns in an outstanding perv-formance as Sister Marta, perhaps the most naughty of all these nude nuns. Marina engages in two scenes of explicit lesbian action, including one where she and her scissor sister 69 each other wearing their nun habits. Saints preserve us! Check out more from Images in a Convent and the rest of Joe D’Amato ‘s illustrious skinema career right here on MrSkin.com!

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Great Nude Performances: Marina Hedman in Images in a Convent