The most fascinating thing about bikini model from Australia Jessica Hart is not her gapped tooth she never got fixed. It is that she has the same strain of herpes as Paris Hilton thanks to dating his sloppy seconds Stavros Niarchos, who happens to be the billionaire heir who has probably fucked the most significant pussy of the last 15 years, because bitches love cake. Seriously, if you’re a chick, your strategy should be get knocked up by a billionaire 30 year old, your life will be fun, and anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot. Don’t make it for yourself, use your looks to get it dammit, society is just jealous… What it comes down to is that this Jessica Hart shoot, fucking sucks. I like my bikini pics more substantial, but I’ll post them anyway, I’m not a billionaire and have nothing better to do than sit here doing it. This site is my luxury vacation home fuckers…
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Jessica Hart’s Failed Poolside Photoshoot of the Day