Tag Archives: herpes-during

Paris Hilton Bikinis in St Tropez of the Day

Paris Hilton was in her bikini in St Tropez like it was 2002 and everyone still cared…. I wonder if she ever expected herself to fall off as hard as she did, or to see her Armenian fat friend she probably used to make racist jokes about behind her back growing up, while calling her fat to her face, run her game better than she did….. I know that being a rich girl doesn’t make rich girls feel good about themselves, that’s why most rich girls are fucked in the head with all kinds of issues, so I know that this probably eats away at this washed up slut harder than her herpes during a massive outbreak that are so bad they are borderline flesh eating disease…. But I guess the bikini party continues… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Paris Hilton Bikinis in St Tropez of the Day