Tag Archives: herpes-or-some

Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day

I just came across these pics that Claim to be Olivia Wilde Tits.. I don’t care for Olivia Wilde, I mean her acting doesn’t offend me like most actors acting does…but her name change offends me. She named herself after Oscar Wilde, which is pretty fucking weird, she says it’s a tribute to her family who I guess are writers, but I think it’s just some bullshit excuse to get a stripper name she felt was more marketable than Cockburn… I just feel like changing your name is like changing your gender, changing your identity, changing your body…it’s you trying to give into society’s opinion of you, and that’s fucking weak…be yourself, own yourself, be the cockburn you were born to be…burn cocks to celebrate the cockburn you were born into…fucking give everyone herpes or some STD you got on a casting couch to make their cocks burn when it pees…. But going WILDE…like “you’re so wilde”…is fucking lame on so many levels…. But I do care about tits..and these are rumored to be her tits, so I figure we do a little POLL ARE THESE OLIVIA WILDE TITS… Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll. The post Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day