Tag Archives: oscar-wilde

Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day

I just came across these pics that Claim to be Olivia Wilde Tits.. I don’t care for Olivia Wilde, I mean her acting doesn’t offend me like most actors acting does…but her name change offends me. She named herself after Oscar Wilde, which is pretty fucking weird, she says it’s a tribute to her family who I guess are writers, but I think it’s just some bullshit excuse to get a stripper name she felt was more marketable than Cockburn… I just feel like changing your name is like changing your gender, changing your identity, changing your body…it’s you trying to give into society’s opinion of you, and that’s fucking weak…be yourself, own yourself, be the cockburn you were born to be…burn cocks to celebrate the cockburn you were born into…fucking give everyone herpes or some STD you got on a casting couch to make their cocks burn when it pees…. But going WILDE…like “you’re so wilde”…is fucking lame on so many levels…. But I do care about tits..and these are rumored to be her tits, so I figure we do a little POLL ARE THESE OLIVIA WILDE TITS… Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll. The post Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day

Tila Tequila Lives and Boxes of the Day

What better way to honor Smokin’ Joe Frasier than to post this video of Tila Tequila, who I was sure was dead, mainly because no one gives a fuck about her, to the point where only a couple hundred people watcher her strip on webcam during a live show what must be a year ago….because she got weird in her publicity stunts, from dating some dead heiress, to faking some sadness to continually being annoying on twitter, but then the people turned off her volume button, and it was nice as someone who hates her…. So bottom feeder who should have NEVER been famous, but who was in the right place at the right time of the internet, when mainstream didn’t know how to move into internet, so they hired internet stars, even though all her friends were fake, on myspace and pushed the shit….turning her into this little playboy monster I met… ANyway, she boxed Cami Parker….and this is the annoying video some annoying people put together because it is all I could find…since you guessed it, no one cares about Tila..

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Tila Tequila Lives and Boxes of the Day

Olivia Wilde in Her Period Clothes of the Day

I made a joke about periods on TWITTER telling girls who follow me that I am starting a laundry service that exclusively deals in period stained panties….with no guarantee they’ll ever be returned, but much more rewarding than throwing them out….4 girls requested my address… That said, periods are no joke, I mean they bring joy when you fuck a girl unprotected and find out she’s not pregnant, they bring more joy when the girl who has it feels shitty about not being able to fuck so she uses her mouth or ass, they bring less joy when the girl is complaining and even less joy when she insists on you fucking her, getting period everywhere, and even less joy when you see the bloated bitch out in public wearing comfortable clothes, cuz her tight hot shit makes her uterus hurt…not that I hate period…I mean hardly remember them…my wife is all fat and in menopause / slowly turning into a man…. So here is Olivia Wilde better knows as Olivia Cockburn….but COCK BURN wasn’t as marketable as channeling Oscar Wilde’s name to seem educated, or classy, or historic, or whatever she did in stealing his name for her shitty acting career….showing off her shitty ass…that may not be having its period, but that might as well should be.

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Olivia Wilde in Her Period Clothes of the Day

Paris Hilton: One Of The Great Speakers Of The World?

What does Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde, and Paris Hilton have in common? They’re all immortalized in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

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Paris Hilton: One Of The Great Speakers Of The World?