Tag Archives: high-stockings

Emma Roberts Really Likes The Short Shorts

It would seem that Emma Roberts spends most of her time hanging out in denim short shorts, I’m not complaining, I just find it a little strange that she doesn’t seem to have anything else to wear. The other day she mixed it up a little with some thigh high stockings, which was pretty awesome actually, and here she is doing a little shopping in the classic denim short shorts and white t-shirt combination. Either way I like it.

Lindsay Lohan — Land, Ho

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice , Paparazzi Photo Lindsay Lohan didn’t let that little court hearing thing get in the way of her party plans last night — instead, LiLo threw on some thigh high stockings and partied on a boat in Cannes. On the other hand, she may have just been hunting for her passport… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan — Land, Ho