I guess when you’re the highest paid model, who doesn’t really look like a model and is just cute, you got to show them titties. They’re cute little things. I’m surprised Kendall didn’t get the supermodel funbag titty special, so it’s kind of nice to see regular boobs once in a while. Anyway, as you know I cannot post them but do a reddit search, they’re easy to find. Enjoy.
I find the Kardashians’ boring as f%ck. Even Kendall Jenner who is the only pretty one, I think is so dull that I never know what to say about her. I still can’t believe she is the highest paid model in the world. We’ve all gone mad!
I’m still in shock that Kendall Jenner is the highest paid model. Sure she’s cute, but I can find you a million plus girls who are far better than her. We live in a crazy would kids.
Here is the highest paid model Kendall Jenner doing her best Rocky. Unfortunately, and I know many ladies out there will be mad when I say this, but she punches like a girl. Kendall couldn’t hurt a fly! Anyway, I thought these LoveAdvent videos are supposed to be sexy, sadly this one misses the mark.
Becca Hiller is some LA based Norwegian model who probably has her work visa because the US Immigration may not like Mexicans, but they hand out these O-1 visas for people with “exceptional” ability like it was fucking candy….all it takes is being a model…because your president likes models so much he has a Model Agency and it’s how he funnelled his wife into the country…before grabbing her by the pussy… So Becca Hiller gets to live the LA life while being passed by rich dudes who offer her fun experiences…which is ok because her tatters are so big there’s enough for every. The post Becca Hiller Big Tits for Purienne of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Nipples are so mainstream…even Jennifer Lawrence, Hollywood’s sweetheart, the highest paid dumpy body – who looked good in her nude selfies – but who doesn’t really interest or excite me or anyone I know – yet they still dump her in big budget projects, over and over and over like she is some hero to the industry, a prodigy, a natural talent, in something that I don’t even consider an artform…acting…it’s more about just being an asshole, no shame, making a fool of yourself than anything else really…acting… But her nipples are hard…as she walks her dog, I like that they looking like GOOGLY eyes…it’s more erotic when one nipple aims up to the heavens and the other to hell…it’s some kind of metaphor – whatever the fuck metaphor means… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence Dog Walker with Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Kylie Jenner is so fucking gross to look at, it amazes me that people find her hot, follow her, buy garbage she tells them to, but they do…all it takes is a bit of TV and being in a family that has mastered exhibitionism and bullshit by exploiting themselves, each other, the people they date, all for personal gain…all to build a brand or “empire” of shit…which is apparently good enough for America….the country with the highest of standards… She’s some dirty Kim Kardashian clone – but white and it is fucking weird… While Kylie is a weird – urban market – plastic surgery ridden – lipposuction freak – Kendall Jenner is around doing fashion model shit…all luxurious covering all the bases with her nipples hanging out – good times…. The post Kylie Jenner Weird Shaped Body of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .