Tag Archives: his-misapplied

Racists Are Dumb As Hell: Canadian Curdled Poutine Cup Attacks Spanish-Speaking Family “WE HAVE ISIS!” [Video]

Image via Getty Canadian Man Accuses Spanish-Speaking Family Of Being ISIS People who hate other groups of people are stupid as hell. Not only because they inexplicably despise and generalize entire demographics, but because they are actually too stupid to even know who they hate. Take this bat-weilding Canadian gentleman who is now viral thanks to his misapplied hate speech. His name is Mark Philips, he’s 36-years old and he thinks that people who speak Spanish are terrorist who rep the ISIS gang… @CTVLondon We were victims of a hate crime in St Thomas Ontario. A guy got mad, because we were talking in Spanish . He was about to hit my son who is 13th years old, but my Hubby jumped while the aggressor swings the baseball bat. pic.twitter.com/4tuqSPAH8K — Mari UX (@Mari__ux) December 8, 2017 We wanna shoot this guy in the kneecap SO bad. SMFH.

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Racists Are Dumb As Hell: Canadian Curdled Poutine Cup Attacks Spanish-Speaking Family “WE HAVE ISIS!” [Video]