Image via Getty Canadian Man Accuses Spanish-Speaking Family Of Being ISIS People who hate other groups of people are stupid as hell. Not only because they inexplicably despise and generalize entire demographics, but because they are actually too stupid to even know who they hate. Take this bat-weilding Canadian gentleman who is now viral thanks to his misapplied hate speech. His name is Mark Philips, he’s 36-years old and he thinks that people who speak Spanish are terrorist who rep the ISIS gang… @CTVLondon We were victims of a hate crime in St Thomas Ontario. A guy got mad, because we were talking in Spanish . He was about to hit my son who is 13th years old, but my Hubby jumped while the aggressor swings the baseball bat. — Mari UX (@Mari__ux) December 8, 2017 We wanna shoot this guy in the kneecap SO bad. SMFH.
While sometimes Kim Kardashian uses her platform for a good cause , don't think that she's suddenly down-to-earth and totally attuned to “the little people.” Because she just got thrown a curveball. Is Steph Shepherd thinking about quitting her job as Kim Kardashian's assistant? Kourtney suggests as much on this Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview video. And, as you can hear for yourself, Kim sounds pissed . So, in this preview clip, Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian are talking. (Literally imagine for a moment becoming a multimillionaire and one of the most famous families in the world in part because of hanging out with your siblings and talking) Kim … sounds like she's fishing for a fight of some sort, because it's like she's holding this tension in her face. Very conversationally, to Kourtney, she says: “How was last night? I heard you went out with Steph.” Steph, of course, is Steph Shepherd, Kim's personal assistant. “It was fun,” Kourtney responds. “We had a good fun night.” She could have left it at that … but then they wouldn't be the Kardashians that we know, now would they? “But just a heads up,” Kourtney continues. “We were talking and she was just saying she didn't know what she wanted to do in life.” Whoa … but she's already doing something in life: Kim's bidding. Kourtney continues: “And she feels like maybe she's in a place where like she's unfulfilled job-wise … I feel like she's just looking to like evolve.” That makes sense. There's not much room for a promotion, right? It's not like, if Steph works really hard, she'll one day be promoted and become Kim. Kim … does not take this news well. First, Kim gets defensive: “I mean she does have a bigger role in designing Kimoji and doing stuff like that.” And then … Kim goes on the attack. “But I do think,” Kim says. “It's like inappropriate for her to talk to you and not to me … I mean don't you think that's like a little bit unprofessional?” Except that it isn't. Steph was speaking to Kourtney, her friend. She's not spilling Kim's secrets or whatever. If anything, Kourtney's being a bad friend, here. It seems like Kourt realizes this, because she sticks up for Steph: “I think we were talking about like life in general,” Kourtney explains. “And because we were talking about it then she brought it up.” You would think that Kourtney had just told Kim that Kanye was feeling dissatisfied in his marriage. “That's like a convo she should have with me,” Kim replies in an offended-sounding tone. Kourtney still tries to smooth things over: “Well now you have the insider info, you can have your answer all prepared.” And Kourtney seems to think that it's going to come up: “I'm just giving you a heads up because she's probably gonna say something.” But … what if Steph was just speaking to Kourtney in the moment, and is overall satisfied with her job for now? Was Kim prepared to sit around for weeks or months, waiting for Steph to say something and assuming that Steph totally hates her job? Well, if Kim and Steph didn't have their talk yet … the cat's out of the bag, now. But they've probably dealt with it. We're sure that Kim doesn't want to break in a new personal assistant any time soon. Especially since Kim's third baby could arrive sooner than expected . It's normal for people to wonder about their prospects and their direction in life. It's normal for them to confide it in friends, if perhaps not in their boss' sister. You know, Kim used to be Paris Hilton's sidekick, so you'd think that she'd understand that dissatisfaction. But … Kim's never had a real job. She works hard, but it's not the same as being a personal assistant. Not by a long shot.
While sometimes Kim Kardashian uses her platform for a good cause , don't think that she's suddenly down-to-earth and totally attuned to “the little people.” Because she just got thrown a curveball. Is Steph Shepherd thinking about quitting her job as Kim Kardashian's assistant? Kourtney suggests as much on this Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview video. And, as you can hear for yourself, Kim sounds pissed . So, in this preview clip, Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian are talking. (Literally imagine for a moment becoming a multimillionaire and one of the most famous families in the world in part because of hanging out with your siblings and talking) Kim … sounds like she's fishing for a fight of some sort, because it's like she's holding this tension in her face. Very conversationally, to Kourtney, she says: “How was last night? I heard you went out with Steph.” Steph, of course, is Steph Shepherd, Kim's personal assistant. “It was fun,” Kourtney responds. “We had a good fun night.” She could have left it at that … but then they wouldn't be the Kardashians that we know, now would they? “But just a heads up,” Kourtney continues. “We were talking and she was just saying she didn't know what she wanted to do in life.” Whoa … but she's already doing something in life: Kim's bidding. Kourtney continues: “And she feels like maybe she's in a place where like she's unfulfilled job-wise … I feel like she's just looking to like evolve.” That makes sense. There's not much room for a promotion, right? It's not like, if Steph works really hard, she'll one day be promoted and become Kim. Kim … does not take this news well. First, Kim gets defensive: “I mean she does have a bigger role in designing Kimoji and doing stuff like that.” And then … Kim goes on the attack. “But I do think,” Kim says. “It's like inappropriate for her to talk to you and not to me … I mean don't you think that's like a little bit unprofessional?” Except that it isn't. Steph was speaking to Kourtney, her friend. She's not spilling Kim's secrets or whatever. If anything, Kourtney's being a bad friend, here. It seems like Kourt realizes this, because she sticks up for Steph: “I think we were talking about like life in general,” Kourtney explains. “And because we were talking about it then she brought it up.” You would think that Kourtney had just told Kim that Kanye was feeling dissatisfied in his marriage. “That's like a convo she should have with me,” Kim replies in an offended-sounding tone. Kourtney still tries to smooth things over: “Well now you have the insider info, you can have your answer all prepared.” And Kourtney seems to think that it's going to come up: “I'm just giving you a heads up because she's probably gonna say something.” But … what if Steph was just speaking to Kourtney in the moment, and is overall satisfied with her job for now? Was Kim prepared to sit around for weeks or months, waiting for Steph to say something and assuming that Steph totally hates her job? Well, if Kim and Steph didn't have their talk yet … the cat's out of the bag, now. But they've probably dealt with it. We're sure that Kim doesn't want to break in a new personal assistant any time soon. Especially since Kim's third baby could arrive sooner than expected . It's normal for people to wonder about their prospects and their direction in life. It's normal for them to confide it in friends, if perhaps not in their boss' sister. You know, Kim used to be Paris Hilton's sidekick, so you'd think that she'd understand that dissatisfaction. But … Kim's never had a real job. She works hard, but it's not the same as being a personal assistant. Not by a long shot.
People were talking about LeBron James acting as a player-coach throughout the playoffs. Many were joking, but James reportedly took that role too seriously. ESPN‘s Marc Stein wrote… My info :3: Justin Bieber SNL Tribute (ALAYLM Cover) – Jordan Era Man, I never knew how much of a fan of Justin Bieber I was till I was fan girling all over twitter during the SNL (Saturday Night Live) show where he hosted and performed. I decided to do a tribute to my ol’ boy since I’ve been a fan since 09 and he always been a great inspreation to me; along with the fact he done amazing job on this show! This for all the beliebers to since I’m a pretty big one myself. Shout out to all you guys that were talking to me on Twitter. ♥ Ya’ll :3. More here: Justin Bieber SNL Tribute (ALAYLM Cover) – Jordan Era
Word on the street is there was some sort of show on television last night that everyone was watching. Have you heard that? For an hour last night, it seemed like everybody on Twitter and Facebook were talking about one thing: the first new episode of The Game in two years. If you missed out, then you definitely woke up this morning out of the loop. Well, in case you were one of the few people that missed the premier of The Game , here are the crazy-a$$ moments.