Tag Archives: his-outright

Dirty D-Bag Donald Trump Gets a Piñata In His Honor

  Mexico Honors Donald Trump With Life Sized Piñatas What could be a more fitting way to honor this New York businessman and presidential candidate?  Many Latin Americans are caught between anger and fear about Trump’s chance s in the presidential race, others however, have found a way to laugh at his outright racism.  Mexico native, Dalton Avalos spent days creating this super thick piñata figure in Trump’s honor. He explained to TIME , “We like to laugh at people like him and the nonsense that comes out of his mouth.” Once social media caught wind of the piñatas , people everywhere started recreating them. You can find them hanging in many bordering communities and are also selling on Etsy for $29.99.  Just in case you want one! Flip on over to see the piñata pics.

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Dirty D-Bag Donald Trump Gets a Piñata In His Honor