Tag Archives: dalton-avalos

That’s Mr. Mane To You: Gucci Mane’s New LinkedIn Account Breaks The Internet

The Internet Explodes Over Guwop’s LinkedIn Profile Beloved trap legend Gucci Mane has been locked up for months yet somehow managed to drop countless mixtapes, grow his brand and create a professional LinkedIn Account that sparked pure hilarity (and intrigue) across the internet. Hit the flip for the best (and funniest) reactions to Gucci’s new LinkedIn account.

See more here:
That’s Mr. Mane To You: Gucci Mane’s New LinkedIn Account Breaks The Internet

Dirty D-Bag Donald Trump Gets a Piñata In His Honor

  Mexico Honors Donald Trump With Life Sized Piñatas What could be a more fitting way to honor this New York businessman and presidential candidate?  Many Latin Americans are caught between anger and fear about Trump’s chance s in the presidential race, others however, have found a way to laugh at his outright racism.  Mexico native, Dalton Avalos spent days creating this super thick piñata figure in Trump’s honor. He explained to TIME , “We like to laugh at people like him and the nonsense that comes out of his mouth.” Once social media caught wind of the piñatas , people everywhere started recreating them. You can find them hanging in many bordering communities and are also selling on Etsy for $29.99.  Just in case you want one! Flip on over to see the piñata pics.

Read more from the original source:
Dirty D-Bag Donald Trump Gets a Piñata In His Honor