Tara Reid is a corpse of a woman all thanks to being a perpetual party girl…it has been spring break since she finished American Pie and made a few millions…and now she’s pushing 40, having a resurgence in her career and figures it’s time to do some bikini selfies because she’s not fat…but still looks so fucking disgusting that I love it…but I always like starving crackheads posing with COKE… She represents a better time, but I find it funny that she threw away her career to become a perpetual spring breaker, and it is funny to look at her leathery body and shitty fake tits…looking to weak to run. This is porn to me…She’s like a corpse…but not dead…even if her soul is.. Whatever the reason is, I just know I love it….
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Tara Reid Does Bikini Pics of the Day