Just in case you needed more proof that Mitt doesn’t give a isht. An undercover vid of Robney surfaced and he’s made it pretty clear that he doesn’t care! Barack’s camp had this to say about the statements made in the viedo: “It’s shocking that a candidate for President of the United States would go behind closed doors and declare to a group of wealthy donors that half the American people view themselves as ‘victims,’ entitled to handouts, and are unwilling to take ‘personal responsibility’ for their lives. It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve disdainfully written off half the nation.” SMH. If you’ve questioned this fool at all before now, we hope this helped you make up your mind. Images via Youtube/WENN
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BUSTED!!! Money Mitt Tells Donors–In Private–That He Couldn’t Care Less About 47 Percent Of Americans!!! [Video]