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Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 Recap: Who Died?! Who DIDN’T Die?!

Wow. We’re going to go out on a limb and say that for loyal fans, Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 , the 2014 finale of the Fox series, did not disappoint whatsoever. Watch Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 Online Again … wow. You really must watch Sleepy Hollow online to truly appreciate it, because we can’t do justice to it here. With that warning, you may proceed for our recap … Through a thunderstorm, Ichabod and Abbie are on their way to Fredericks Manor, where they find the home abandoned. Henry’s mini city model is left behind. The angles of attack all form a pentagram. Moloch’s plan in motion. Katrina screams and Ichabod finds the Headless Horseman on the cusp of performing the binding ritual. But luckily, with the Sword of Methuselah he stops him. Using her necklace, Katrina summons Abraham,” who warns them, “the moment a man uses the sword to kill, his soul and hence his life will be taken with it.” So basically, wield that sword and your future at your own risk. The team thusly concludes that the Sword of Methuselah must be used by Captain Irving, whose soul already belongs to the Horseman of War. He agrees. The Headless Horseman reveals that Moloch and Henry are at the four white trees, ominously warning them that the darkness is growing stronger. Hawley provides them several weapons and watches the Horseman as they venture into the trees, where Moloch’s demon army strikes with a vengeance. Using Methuselah’s sword, Irving destroys the Horseman but is wounded beyond the point of being saved himself. Abbie, enraged, decides to end Moloch. Moloch orders Henry to bring the witch to him, stating that the epic demise of Katrina will allow the final tree to burn, bringing about the End of Days. Henry obliges, but when Moloch cruelly states that neither he nor Abraham mean a thing to him, he strikes his master down with the Sword of Methuselah! Like we said earlier … wow! Is it 2015 yet?!

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Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 Recap: Who Died?! Who DIDN’T Die?!