Tag Archives: hologram-elvis

Elvis Hologram: Going on Tour!

Move over, Tupac hologram . It’s time for another late icon to be resurrected on stage. Digital Domain Media Group, the company responsible for bringing Tupac to “life” at Coachella this year, is teaming up with Core Media Group (which owns Elvis’ brand) to “jointly produce a series of ‘virtual’ Elvis likenesses for a range of entertainment projects,” according to Billboard. “His lifelong fans will be thrilled all over again, and new audiences will discover the electric experience of Elvis the performer,” says Jack Soden, president and CEO of Elvis Presley Enterprises. “The high level of quality entertainment that both Core Media Group and Digital Domain deliver gives us great confidence that these projects will help continue the growth of Elvis’ rich legacy all over the world.” A much cheaper version of Hologram Elvis actually appeared on American Idol in 2007, singing a duet with Celine Dion. Will you go see this one on tour?

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Elvis Hologram: Going on Tour!