Tag Archives: home-including

Anthony Weiner Fights with a Voter of the Day

This makes me laugh…some holier than thou kind of motherfucker who I guess thinks he’s a morally sound, good citizen of the world, who treats everyone well and does his duty…or maybe he’s just some hypocrite who just wants the best for his city…and feels the need to tell Anthony Weiner off….only for Anthony Weiner to go off…in what is probably a boring exchange that I didn’t watch, but felt compelled to post…because….the only shit anyone should be giving Weiner is the quality of bitches he sexts… I mean WATCH THE SYDNEY LEATHERS PORN …and tell me that sexting that could make you cum when jerking off on breaks from your campaign….seriously WATCH IT!! and tell me what Weiner really should be getting shit on for…it’s like dude, you’re famous, sext hotter hookers yo…. If that doesn’t excite you – here’s a video of an Armed Robber VS an Iraq Vet Or maybe you prefer a face transplant patient seeing his face for the first time… Or maybe you prefer fishing in Chernobyl

Continued here:
Anthony Weiner Fights with a Voter of the Day

Kellie Picker’s Fake Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Redneck hick Kellie Pickler who has gone all hollywood with her implants all thanks to American Idol fame that took her out of her backwoods shanty she probably fucked her grandfather/father/they are the same person, in….to living the famous bitch life…with handlers and a team trying to exploit her singing talents…cuz bitch dropped out of the 4th grade to work the plantation and never learned how to count…but luckily for us, she learned how to post a bikini pic to the internet…so that we can stare at her 10,000 dollar investment in her tits…tits that are most definitely worth more than her childhood home including all the blown out cars in the yard…they’re meaning to restore just as soon as they can afford more than a fucking can of corn to add some veg to their racoon meatloaf…. Boom…

See the original post here:
Kellie Picker’s Fake Tits in a Bikini of the Day