Tag Archives: wants-the-best

Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Episode 5 Recap: Does Katie Maloney Motorboat Crotch?

Last night on Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Episode 5, Kristen and Tom returned to work at SUR after being suspended, while Stassi was given a big opportunity by Lisa. Meanwhile, Tom Schwartz made a HUGE commitment (well, for him anyway) in hopes of appeasing Katie’s concerns, while she also faced some hard core accusations. What did those consist of, and how did everything go down (sort of literally)? Watch Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Episode 5 Online Picking up where Episode 4 left off, Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Episode 5 saw Schwartz try to get out of the doghouse after quitting his job at PUMP spectacularly. To show he can commit to stuff, while also delaying marriage talks with Katie Maloney, he adopted a rescue dog! Which was silly looking but so, SO cute. So cute, in fact, that she envisioned the puppy as the ring bearer in the wedding Tom desperately wants to avoid thinking about! So that totes backfired! Meanwhile, if you watch Vanderpump Rules online , you know Lisa Vanderpump and Stassi Schroeder are often at odds. Well, this week things are good. In fact, Lisa hired Stassi to be her stylist for a photo shoot, a gesture she felt was generous as the youngster could put the experience on her resume. Yet Stassi didn’t see it that way, feeling Lisa treated her like an assistant and not a professional. Lisa, for her part, felt her former staffer was ungrateful. All of that took a back seat to the drama with Katie and Jax Taylor , however. According to Jax and Scheana Marie, not only is it possible to motorboat someone’s crotch, but Katie did just that, between some unidentified actor’s legs! Jax began relaying that Katie had cheated on Schwartz in this manner, a dubious claim because it’s Jax, a man who lies like he gets pointless nose jobs. Still, Scheana claimed she saw the entire incident, so the rumors spread. Sadly, the actor who supposedly had his crotch motorboated by Katie Maloney was never revealed, but Jax and the accused motorboater had words. When Tom Sandoval , Tom Schwartz and Jax joined Katie for brunch, Sandoval and Jax just grilled her on this alleged incident, while Schwartz did nothing. Seriously. He just freaking sat there while Jax tore his girlfriend a new one. Vanderpump Rules Cast Photos 1. Stassi Schroeder Sassy Stassi is the resident wit on Vanderpump Rules. She’s basically a young Lisa V. in the making. Beyond whimpering “Bubby” a few times (whatever the heck that means), he did not stick up for his girl one iota … or ask if the rumor was true for that matter. Katie eventually stormed off after getting railroaded by that douche Jax. When Tom Schwartz ran after her, did he at least defend her stance or comfort her? No, he told her that she was basically the instigator in all of this. Now there’s a standup guy. Totes future fiance and husband material.

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Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Episode 5 Recap: Does Katie Maloney Motorboat Crotch?

Four-Year-Old Boy Writes Love Letter to Girl, Invites Her to Battle Robots and Eat Cheeses

Four-year-old Bennet Skinner recently composed this love letter to a girl in his school, one he’s known for two years and apparently developed feelings for. You have to read what he said to appreciate the cuteness … Bennet’s mom Jennifer, who was asked by the youngster to help type up the note and obliged, posted the letter written to his classmate Baily to Reddit. “Will you please come to my house,” he writes his love interest. “Let’s play together. I think you are pretty like a horse or a ladybug. I’m not sure which.” Really, though, who is? “You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me,” he goes on, as persistent as he is cute, noting, “I love you and I lost a tooth last night.” Finally, the clincher no one could possibly resist: “I think I would like to do a magic trick for you and then let you watch me battle robots. Love, Bennet.” Jennifer claims that everything her son expressed is true, from Bennet’s love to cheeses and battling robots to losing a tooth and crushing on Baily. “He talks constantly about her and how much he loves her ‘yellow hair,'” Jennifer said . “He will be having his fifth birthday party in a few weeks and the theme is knights and princesses, he is over the moon knowing that Baily will be dressed as a princess.” Bennet, whose little love note has quickly gone viral, was diagnosed with cancer at six months old and is now approaching his final cancer checks. Here’s wishing him nothing but the best, in health and in love. 47 Hilarious Kid Notes 1. Best Friends Forever If the Jenner sisters had kicked Selena Gomez in the face, maybe they’d still be BFFs.

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Four-Year-Old Boy Writes Love Letter to Girl, Invites Her to Battle Robots and Eat Cheeses

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi Celebrate 10 Year-Anniversary, Pose for Makeup-Free Selfie

And they said it wouldn’t last! Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi took to Instagram this week to celebrate 10 amazing years as a couple, posing for a make-up selfie and looking more in love now than ever before. They didn’t include a caption with the following beach-based snapshot because, really, no words are needed to express the joy depicted here: DeGeneres and de Rossi dated for four years before saying they do on Augst  15, 2008. They continue to be one of Hollywood’s most fun and enjoyable couples, as evidenced by their mocking of the Kim Kardashian nude spread in Paper Magazine with their latest Christmas card. Seriously, how amazing is THIS ? Sadly, of course, the tabloids have been targeting Ellen and Portia for some time now, publishing erroneous divorce stories and even alleging over the summer that DeGeneres cheated on her wife . This prompted a response from Ellen. “The truth is, and this is corny, I fall more in love with Portia all the time,” she told People earlier this year, adding: “I really do. She surprises me all the time…It’s what anyone experiences when you find that person that gets you, wants to take care of you, wants the best for you. We’re really lucky because we know how rare it is.” 56 Stars Who Are Makeup Free and Fabulous 1. Lorde Without Makeup Lorde isn’t just wearing no makeup in this Twit pic. She’s wearing pimple cream!

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Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi Celebrate 10 Year-Anniversary, Pose for Makeup-Free Selfie

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi Celebrate 10 Year-Anniversary, Pose for Makeup-Free Selfie

And they said it wouldn’t last! Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi took to Instagram this week to celebrate 10 amazing years as a couple, posing for a make-up selfie and looking more in love now than ever before. They didn’t include a caption with the following beach-based snapshot because, really, no words are needed to express the joy depicted here: DeGeneres and de Rossi dated for four years before saying they do on Augst  15, 2008. They continue to be one of Hollywood’s most fun and enjoyable couples, as evidenced by their mocking of the Kim Kardashian nude spread in Paper Magazine with their latest Christmas card. Seriously, how amazing is THIS ? Sadly, of course, the tabloids have been targeting Ellen and Portia for some time now, publishing erroneous divorce stories and even alleging over the summer that DeGeneres cheated on her wife . This prompted a response from Ellen. “The truth is, and this is corny, I fall more in love with Portia all the time,” she told People earlier this year, adding: “I really do. She surprises me all the time…It’s what anyone experiences when you find that person that gets you, wants to take care of you, wants the best for you. We’re really lucky because we know how rare it is.” 56 Stars Who Are Makeup Free and Fabulous 1. Lorde Without Makeup Lorde isn’t just wearing no makeup in this Twit pic. She’s wearing pimple cream!

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Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi Celebrate 10 Year-Anniversary, Pose for Makeup-Free Selfie

Dell XPS 12 Touchscreen Convertible Ultrabook Review

By Kaleb Johnson on April 8, 2014 I usually don#39;t write reviews but i feel like i better write this one. I bought this laptop/tablet off Dell#39;s website and it is the best purchase i have made for a portable power horse. Dell has updated all the drivers and everything works wonderfully. It boots into windows in 3 seconds or less. It handles Photoshop and light room great! Especially with the touchscreen tablet mode. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants the best of both a tablet

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Dell XPS 12 Touchscreen Convertible Ultrabook Review

Anthony Weiner Fights with a Voter of the Day

This makes me laugh…some holier than thou kind of motherfucker who I guess thinks he’s a morally sound, good citizen of the world, who treats everyone well and does his duty…or maybe he’s just some hypocrite who just wants the best for his city…and feels the need to tell Anthony Weiner off….only for Anthony Weiner to go off…in what is probably a boring exchange that I didn’t watch, but felt compelled to post…because….the only shit anyone should be giving Weiner is the quality of bitches he sexts… I mean WATCH THE SYDNEY LEATHERS PORN …and tell me that sexting that could make you cum when jerking off on breaks from your campaign….seriously WATCH IT!! and tell me what Weiner really should be getting shit on for…it’s like dude, you’re famous, sext hotter hookers yo…. If that doesn’t excite you – here’s a video of an Armed Robber VS an Iraq Vet Or maybe you prefer a face transplant patient seeing his face for the first time… Or maybe you prefer fishing in Chernobyl

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Anthony Weiner Fights with a Voter of the Day

Captain Save A Ho? Lindsay Lohan’s Estranged Dad Michael Lohan Says Her $2 Million Interview With Oprah Will “Save” Her

Naw Michael, we think Lindsay needs Iyanla Vanzant, Dr. Phil and the hand of Jesus. Michael Lohan Says Oprah Will Save Lindsay Michael just wants the best for his baby girl, but maybe the best thing for Lindsay is to lock her azz up. If Lindsay was a black celebrity, it would have been a wrap a long time ago. According to TMZ Oprah Winfrey is the answer to Lindsay Lohan’s prayers — at least according to Michael Lohan who tells us that LiLo’s BIG deal with the big O is the best thing that could have happened to her. Our photog spotted papa Lohan at LAX Saturday — and asked him how he felt about LiLo making nearly $2 million to do a sit down interview and 8-part docu series with O. Michael says he couldn’t be happier for LiLo and explains how the Oprah effect could be just the thing his troubled daughter needs to keep her nose clean. He also discusses whether or not he’ll make an appearance on the show … check it out. Off the wall isht like this makes us think Michael and Lindsay take turns piff-puffin’ on the sticky icky.

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Captain Save A Ho? Lindsay Lohan’s Estranged Dad Michael Lohan Says Her $2 Million Interview With Oprah Will “Save” Her

Evelyn Lozada Speaks On Twitter Beef With Former BFF Jennifer Williams: “Our Friendship Is Done. She Is An Ugly Person Inside”

Yesterday Evelyn Lozada went in on Jennifer “Purple Contacts” Williams and their shady friendship. Today she spoke out on why she went in and if her relationship with Jennifer is over for good. Via TheInsider.com: TheInsider.com: I saw your tweets last night! First, can you tell me how long you and Jennifer have been friends? Evelyn: We’ve been friends for about twelve years. We met in 1999, and her soon to be ex husband was playing for the Boston Celtics and my ex fiancé was playing on the same team. We ended up meeting at the games. TheInsider.com: So this friendship wasn’t just for the show? Evelyn Lozada: No! I was in Jennifer’s wedding! You meet a lot of friends over the years, but we remained close. We went to family functions together. I was the one who got Jennifer on the show. TheInsider.com: How did the rift between you two start? Evelyn Lozada: The relationship was a little strained prior to her doing a radio interview about Chad (Evelyn’s fiancé). It started when it was all over the web that he had proposed. My thing is this: if you were proposed to, or you were with whomever, no matter what my opinion is, I’m still going to be like ‘hey girl if you’re happy, I’m there. Let me see the ring.’ She never asked to see my ring, she NEVER congratulated me. She could have gave a sh*t.

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Evelyn Lozada Speaks On Twitter Beef With Former BFF Jennifer Williams: “Our Friendship Is Done. She Is An Ugly Person Inside”

Not Quite A Dirty Dog: Ashton Kutcher Apparently Actually Does Care About Demi’s Condition

Ashton might not be so heartless after all. After his epic party with random Beckys, Ashton rushed right over to his ex’s side. How nice of him. Kutcher has been increasingly worried about the health of his ex, and a source tells People mag, “Ashton is deeply concerned for Demi. He still cares about her and wants the best for her.” Their marriage may be over, but Ashton is still there to support his ex when she needs him the most! Now you all can get off his back about the way he treats his ex woman! Good to see he’s got some good in him still. More On Bossip! For Discussion: Is Drake Crossing The Line By Constantly Dating His Peers’ Ex-Girlfriends? Galleries: Draya And Her Amazing Rack Have A Happy Birthday [Photos] Reality Love Friend Triangle: Evelyn Lozada GOES IN On Ex- BFF Jennifer “Purple Contacts” Williams, Her Relationship With Nene Leakes And Says “BEYOTCH You Will Never WIN!!!” This May Take A While: A Gallery Of Alllll The Men Rumored To Be Romantically Linked To Rih-Rih’s Red Hot Cakes

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Not Quite A Dirty Dog: Ashton Kutcher Apparently Actually Does Care About Demi’s Condition

Florida Presidential Debate Highlights: Ron Paul Style!

Asked at last night’s Florida Republican debate if Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich should return money made from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Ron Paul responded: “That subject really doesn’t interest me a whole lot.” The Texas congressman might not be #1 in the polls, but he showed last night that when given a proper forum, he’s as substantive as anyone – and funny too. Asked where he stands on Newt Gingrich’s proposal to put a permanent base on the moon by 2020, Paul said, “Well, I don’t think we should go to the moon.” “I think we maybe should send some politicians up there.” Florida GOP Debate Highlights: Ron Paul Edition! Paul, who at 76 would be the oldest person ever elected President of the United States also drew cheers in his response to a question about his medical records. Noting that his records are “about one page, if even that long,” Paul challenged his cohorts to “a 25-mile bike ride, any time, any day in the heat of Texas.” But, you know, there are laws against age discrimination, so if you push this too much, you better be careful,” he quipped, and he wasn’t done by a long shot. Asked by CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer what he would say if Raul Castro called him in the Oval Office, Paul said, “Well, I’d ask what he called about, you know?” Which isn’t to say Paul’s wit was his only asset. He routinely scored points with his strong responses, especially regarding monetary policy and civil liberties. Florida’s primary is Tuesday, January 31.

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Florida Presidential Debate Highlights: Ron Paul Style!