Tag Archives: hope-at-least

“Homeless Guy” Does Breaking Bad and Other Videos of the Day

I’ve never seen Breaking Bad, but I have seen buskers, homeless, street kids, beggars, and assholes who fucking annoy me begging for change without having any marketable skill, you know the kind of scammer who makes more than minimum wage asking people for a quarter, cuz you just need to hit 20 people, so I don’t know how accurate his TV watching, probably owns a lap top impression is, I just know I hate him. If you are like me and you don’t like that…here’s a burn victim rapping…a little Drake…I don’t think he’s that good….and should think of other career options…like working at a haunted house or something…I mean Halloween is around the corner…motherfucker can make bank….he could also use a shirt..if his skin can handle that…which I don’t think it can…I want to throw up. Or Maybe you just want to see a father kick his drunk son in the face…like most father’s should treat their kids…if you’re from RUssia…

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“Homeless Guy” Does Breaking Bad and Other Videos of the Day

Behind the Scenes of a Victoria’s Secret Shoot of the Day

If you’re like me, you’d like your behind the scenes pictures from a Victoria’s Secret shoot to not be staged shit that the billion dollar brand released to keep people interested in their models…while protecting their brand so the Christians and Middle Americans don’t turn on them…. You know, you’d want real behind the shit, with more fishing, pussy slips, nip slips and vagina definition… I mean you’d hope at least one of the hired paparazzi on set would get something good enough, you know be perverted enough to make shit fucking count…but luckily bang half naked in a bikini…counts…I guess… TO SEE A BUNCH OF THE PICS… Here’s CANDICE SWANEPOEL Here’s Alessandra Ambrosio

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Behind the Scenes of a Victoria’s Secret Shoot of the Day

Jersey Shore

Here is MTV's latest gift to humanity, via every blog out there.

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Jersey Shore