Tag Archives: hoped-the-cells

What The Hell??? Woman Accidentally Grows Nose On Her Back 8 Years After Failed Medical Procedure

Bet she can smell everything… Woman Grows Nose On Back After Failed Paralysis Treatment This isn’t the first case we’ve seen of someone sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong in the name of science and all…but it doesn’t get any less freaky to hear about. Via MailOnline : A woman has developed a nose-like growth eight years after a stem cell treatment to cure her paralysis failed. At the Hospital de Egas Moniz in Lisbon, Portugal, the unnamed woman, a U.S. citizen, had tissue from her nose implanted in her spine. Doctors hoped the cells would develop into neural cells and help repair the nerve damage to the woman’s spine. But the treatment failed. However, last year, eight years after the stem cell operation, the woman, then 28, complained of increasing pain in the area. Doctors discovered a three-centimetre-long growth, which was found to be mainly nasal tissue, as well as bits of bone and nerve branches that had not connected with the spinal nerves. Stem cells – or ‘master cells’ – are capable of turning into other cell types, so are widely seen as a repair kit for the body. While often championed as the future of medicine, stem cells’ ability to metamorphasise and increase carries an inherent danger, namely that when when implanted into a person they could turn into dangerous cancer cells. Stem cells save lives and cure diseases and what not…but don’t sign us up until they work all the kinks out. SMH.

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What The Hell??? Woman Accidentally Grows Nose On Her Back 8 Years After Failed Medical Procedure