Tag Archives: horror-boobs

Fleshbot Lists Their Favorite Horror Movie Nude Scenes [PICS]

Here at Skin Central we know that horror movies provide enough tricks and teats to get you jacking your lantern year round. Now the crack team at Fleshbot has put together their Favorite Horror Movie Nude Scenes, which you can read here . The list includes such favorites as Linnea Quigley ’s skinfamous graveyard strip scene in Return of the Living Dead (1985), the pillow fighting peepers of Juliette Cummins in Slumber Party Massacre II (1987), and the splatterrific bloody boobs of Monika Malacova in Hostel: Part II (2007). We can all celebrate the season where skimpy costumes are applauded, and horror movie hotties provide hair-raising howls and skin-pressive scares. So go plump up your Hallo-weenie to Fleshbot ’s favorite fright flicks, then get thrilled and chilled by the scream queen skin on Mr. Skin’s Favorite Horror Movie Nudes . See pics after the jump!

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Fleshbot Lists Their Favorite Horror Movie Nude Scenes [PICS]

Horror Boobs: The Mr. Skin Interview [PICS]

You know how sometimes when you meet somebody, you immediately think to yourself “these are my people”? That’s how we felt when we stumbled across Horror Boobs , a New York-based blog that documents all things terrifying and topless from the VHS era to today. Horror Boobs masterminds Matt Desiderio and Katrina Basilio are passionate about both boobs and blood, and our interview was a regular love fest as we discussed SKINtage scream queens, being traumatized by The Toxic Avenger , and the holy grail of horror VHS. More after the jump!

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Horror Boobs: The Mr. Skin Interview [PICS]