There are two approaches to onscreen nudity. One is the Shannon Elizabeth / Linnea Quigley school, where an actress makes her anatomical assets the center of attention in a series of comedy (or horror) flicks– and her career. The other is the Kate Winslet / Michelle Williams school, where an actress uses onscreen nudity to prove that she’s “serious” about her art and deserves an armload of awards like so . It’s a little late for Helen Hunt to get on the “scream queen” bandwagon, so she’s enrolled in the latter school for her new movie The Sessions (formerly known as The Surrogate ), where she makes her full frontal debut as a sex therapist with an unusual specialty: personally relieving patients of their virginity. Nudecomer Annika Marks also goes nude in the film, which is already garnering serious awards buzz for Hunt as well as for John Hawkes as one of her disabled clients. If all else fails, Helen, rest assured: you’re an early favorite for an Anatomy Award. See “serious actresses” practicing their craft in Mr. Skin’s extensive Nude Best Actress Oscar Winners playlist, right here at!
Originally posted here:
Helen Hunt Creates Full Frontal Oscar Buzz with The Surrogate [VIDEO]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged Actress, anatomical, film, formerly-known, full-frontal, helen hunt, her-anatomical, invalid, linnea-quigley, movie nudity news, Sex, the-surrogate, upcoming-movies, virginity