Tag Archives: how-repressed

Jennifer Garner’s Muslim Bathing Suit of the Day

I went to a beach a few years ago, all excited to see hot young girls in bikinis, which for a Canadian who never sees girls in bikinis, except in stupid photoshoots, because despite being immune or desensitized to girls in bikinis, I still like seeing girls in bikinis…. Turned out that a bunch of Muslim women turned up, and were swimming in full clothing…far less revealing than girls in bikinis…but far more erotic when you factor in how repressed and mysterious they are…. Here’s Jennifer Garner doing her best impression of that, far less hot, with her old mom face and bad ass…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Garner’s Muslim Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Garner’s Muslim Bathing Suit of the Day