Tag Archives: human-behavior

This Is Why You See More Tweets From Your Saddest Friends

This human behavior expert says emotionally unstable people post more often on social media because they’re looking for a supportive environment.

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This Is Why You See More Tweets From Your Saddest Friends

Stephen Covey explaining the charactor ethic and the personality ethic

Stephen Covey´s world famous book ‘The seven habits of highly effective people’ is a masterpiece. In this clip Covey explains how the emphasis of human behavior has shifted in the past 80 or so years from a character based, principal driven ethic, based on :- Integrity, Fidelity, Courage, Compassion, Contribution, Responsibility, & Justice. To a personality based ethic concentrating on techniques,( ie on how to look good, how to dress), or in other words, How to create a good image. Although some personality techniques can be very valid, if you don’t possess, as a base, the Character ethic you will not have the power to create enduring effectiveness. Covey explains this very well in this short clip. http://www.youtube.com/v/ACukmJ_5HSo?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Continue reading here: Stephen Covey explaining the charactor ethic and the personality ethic


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Stephen Covey explaining the charactor ethic and the personality ethic