Tag Archives: husband-cheats

Doutzen Kroes Ass is Cellulite Ridden of the Day

Here’s some Doutzen Kroe ass looking it’s age. Like a mom….that she is…like an Ashley Graham..wife to a black dude…which is convenient because that’s exactly what she is. That’s why Victoria’s Secret dropped her, that’s why her DJ husband cheats on her with party sluts, yet she still exists…because she is a Survivor…on the beach in a bikini bottom not giving a fuck that she looks like some kind of lumpy soup or oatmeal…she’s been eating too much of…cuz otherwise..why is her leg a relief map…you know TOPOPGRAPHY… I don’t fucking know, it looks like she’s melting, and I don’t like when hot models – because body positive – look at my blemishes models….sure it is current and a trend..but it’s disgusting and wrong….GET it together. The post Doutzen Kroes Ass is Cellulite Ridden of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Doutzen Kroes Ass is Cellulite Ridden of the Day

Beyonce Does a Fitness Line of the Day

I know whenever I think of Beyonce, I think fitness…. I don’t think fat Fried Chicken sponsored eating monster who decided to get fit because her husband cheats on her, she’s getting older, and the only way for her to compete with his Money Maker Rihanna is to really get in shape so that she has the energy to push through…and compete, in one last hustle, since already having 500 million dollars isn’t enough, when you need to ensure your man doesn’t upgrade…gotta stay on top or some shit… Unfortunately, she looks kinda hot in this video, and I’ve historically had nothing but disinterest in Beyonce…but maybe, just maybe, it’s wanting to fuck a black girl in a life where I’ve never fucked a black girl..because black girls don’t like me…racists. The post Beyonce Does a Fitness Line of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce Does a Fitness Line of the Day

Jennifer Aniston Ass Does a Kick of the Day

Here is Jennifer Aniston, finally married, demonstrating…a kick… I don’t find Jennifer Aniston a compelling character, beyond her nipples there is not much there, and I’ve always been a firm supporter of Brad Pitt in leaving this one for the other one, who seems darker and more fun in bed… I mean sure Jennifer Aniston is a Greek and greeks love anal, but I’m sure that ex heroin addict, daddy issue, rich kid brad who dresses like a Goth…delves far deeper into fetishes…when not adopting 100 kids to build her own army… That said, soccer moms everywhere aspire to be this fit, look at my ass I still got it at 45…even though my husband cheats on me with young girls…and I’ll look at anything in spandex… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Aniston Ass Does a Kick of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Aniston Ass Does a Kick of the Day