Tag Archives: idol-on-july

My name is Savannah and I met my idol on July 12th, 2013 in…

My name is Savannah and I met my idol on July 12th, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio. To be honest I never thought I would be in this position to be able to write a Bieber experience, but here it goes. In 2012, when the Pencils of Promise contest to meet Justin was introduced, I decided I would make it my goal to meet Justin in 2013. Once the second leg of the tour was announced I decided I would try so hard to get meet and greets. When pre-orders came around, we tried to buy them but they were sold out that day. On December 14th, they released more and that’s when I found out that I would meet Justin Bieber. Finally after all of the fangirling and being jealous of other people who met him, it would be my turn. I’ll never forget that day when my dad texted me during school telling me I got meet and greets, like how was I supposed to focus? Two hundred days later, it was my concert date. My two friends and I got ready in the morning, then we waited outside for several hours and while waiting. We saw Mike Posner on his tour bus, Hot Chelle Rae and Scrappy. We waited out there for about 4 hours but never saw Justin. Then we waited in the VIP pre-party which was fun because there were raffles and Kenny came in and saw us! It was awesome. When it was time for the meet and greets, I was so nervous but I managed not to cry until after. I watched him behind the curtains as he took several pictures and he smiled at me in line, it made me so happy. Then it was my turn and before the picture he said hi and smiled again. I didn’t even say hi, I just blurted out “I love you so much,” which he said back. I didn’t really get to hug him because it was literally 5 seconds, but during the picture I put my hand on his abs and he knew I was nervous so he rubbed my back during the picture, which helped so much. Then the security said, “Go, go” so I had to leave and Justin said, “Nice meeting you!” He was honestly so sweet and amazing. I felt so dizzy after the meet and greets and it was all a blur. You’re seriously in so much shock, but now I understand why people say when you hug him, you have the world in your arms. I never wanted to let go. After I left the meet and greet I started balling for like an hour. Then the concert went on which is the best show of your life. During ‘Believe’ Justin said, “Does anyone have a dream?” and thats when I lost it because he doesn’t realize that he made my dream come true. For anybody whose dream is to meet Justin Bieber, never give up because although it was so short, it was so worth it and it made me feel complete. This made my love for Justin even stronger and I don’t know what I would do without him. Justin, you are truly the best idol in the world. -@savannah_moser The rest is here: My name is Savannah and I met my idol on July 12th, 2013 in…

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My name is Savannah and I met my idol on July 12th, 2013 in…