My friend just told me that Christina Hendricks is 20 to 1 on most sportsbooks to win Best Supporting Actress at the Emmys on Monday. I say she’s got no chance…but I also don’t think she’s hot, overrated but other people do, that’s why I pulled these 10-20 pics of her from other sites saying these are her hottest pics, to prove that she’s not hot… There is nothing exciting about her, except big tits, but I can show you thousands of fat girls with big tits, it isn’t an impressive feat, if anything fat girls with no tits are more impressive, because that takes some level of freakish hormones or genetics.. Hell if I eat enough donuts – I’ll have a d-cup too…in fact I already do.. Here are the top pics of her for you to judge for yourself, keep in mind these are all 4 years old…but you like 4 year olds…don’t you. Monster.
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Top 10 Christina Hendricks is in 10 pics of the Day