He’s not as well known as Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson, but he’s played as critical a role in the Harry Potter franchise as anyone. So, how does Christopher Columbus – the director of the first two installments, and producer of the third – feel about the conclusion of this series, which officially gets underway with the Friday release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ? It’s “surreal,” Columbus told our friends at Movie Fanatic. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Clip “People say, well did you know when you were casting these kids that it would be such a success? No,” he says. “We had no idea and we never knew that they would age so well. There’s certain younger actors, who after the second or third film, you would never want to put them in another film. In this Harry Potter world, for some reason, we had this incredibly blessed cast of all these young kids who became great actors and who maintain some kind of movie star charisma.” Read the full interview now at Movie Fanatic!
Here is the original post:
Christopher Columbus Says Goodbye to Harry Potter