Tag Archives: insert-things

Lindsay Lohan’s Gonna Do Playboy for One Million Dollars But We’ve Already Seen Her Naked of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is hanging onto her relevance as hard as she can. She hasn’t been in a movie, and she is an Actor, for at least 3 years. She hasn’t released a music album in at least 6 years, which is a good thing, cuz her shit was on some Rebecca Black level of talent, but you get what I’m saying…and that is that she hasn’t transitioned from one field to another like J.LO….she’s just sorted fallen to shit…..with addiction, and legal issues and lesbianism…it’s boring. The word on the street last night was that she was going to be doing Playboy for 1,000,000 dollars, which is ridiculous, considering we have all seen her naked at least once , but more importantly, because she was a few months away from doing something more hardcore for substantially less money, I’m talking porn at 1000 dollars a scene like she was Dana Plato….but Playboy had to come around and offer her stupid money cuz she has great tits, and I just hope she does something innovative, like show off some red bush, or crusty herpes scab, or has Sam Ronson’s dick 8 inches inside her….cuz a doctored erotica on a bitch you’ve seen naked fucking sucks…. I wish I was her new manager. We’d make magic…. To See A Lot of the Lindsay Lohan Nude Pics – Att Least as Many as Virgin Mary Could Find…. FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohan’s Gonna Do Playboy for One Million Dollars But We’ve Already Seen Her Naked of the Day

Salma Hayek Mom Tits at a Premiere and Tight Dress fro Letterman of the Day

We’ve all either been to a shitty resort where we’ve spent more time on the toilet after drinking the water or eating the vegetables or eaten bad mexican….where we’ve spent more time on the toilet the next couple days, begging for God to take our lives, only to realize there is no god….. And what it comes down to is that I would eat the food poisoning Mexican shit directly from Salma Hayek’s asshole…because she’s just that good…. We’ve had years of wanting to fuck her that developed a comfort in this one sided relationship that I think I’m ready to take the next step in the fantasy, to incorporate scat…cuz she is just that good…. She also did Letterman…in a tight dress with a push up bra and some spanx and it looked fucking incredible…Viva Mexico…

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Salma Hayek Mom Tits at a Premiere and Tight Dress fro Letterman of the Day

Katy Perry Disgusting in Concert of the Day

I hate Katy Perry…almost as much as I hate when I hear guys say she’s hot…. She’s a dumpy, chubby, bottom feeding cunt with a good scam going cuz her songs cater to 12 year old girls who don’t know better… She’s chubby, has a shitty ass, and she can’t dance, leading me to think she also can’t fuck, explaining why she married that fag Russell Brand, cuz all he needs is a third party to insert things in his tight pants wearing ass… Here she is in concert, I refuse to post the video. She’s that bad…and not in a bad dancing erotica kind of way…but in a “I hate that this lie has tricked the world” kind of way….She needs to be stopped…she may be the devil…

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Katy Perry Disgusting in Concert of the Day