Tag Archives: inside the actors studio

Stranger than Fiction: The 10 Best James Franco Stories of 2010

It seemed that almost every week of this year brought another head-scratching or mind-blowing story involving James Franco. Thankfully, unlike many rumors that emerged from the wasteland of internet news in 2010, the facts about Franco were always more fascinating than the myths. Actually, there were so many jaw-dropping stories in succession that there wasn’t much time to make up rumors. So join Movieline as we look back at the top ten stories involving the quotable, unpredictable actor who somehow managed to keep topping himself through the end of the year.

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Stranger than Fiction: The 10 Best James Franco Stories of 2010

Watch Oscar Host James Franco Talk About Drug Dealers with James Lipton

If you were one of the screaming audience members turned away from James Franco’s taping of Inside the Actor’s Studio last week, you’re in luck: Bravo has released a few clips from his in-depth conversation with James Lipton. (Don’t scream too loud, your cubicle mates might get startled.) Ahead, watch as the similarly mustachioed duo discuss how Franco maneuvered the role of his quirky Pineapple Express drug dealer, and how Danny Boyle’s preconception about him — from that same film — almost kept him from his Oscar-bound role in 127 Hours .

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Watch Oscar Host James Franco Talk About Drug Dealers with James Lipton