My story isn’t like most others. I actually met Justin Bieber before he was an international superstar! For my drama class, we took an overnight trip to Stratford, Ontario to watch some of their infamous plays about Shakespeare and such. My class mates and I were walking to the theatre from where we were staying to go see a play called, “My One and Only.” From a distance, we saw this kid jamming out on the guitar and singing his heart out, to a crowd of people while sitting on the steps outside the theatre. As we got closer, we were so mesmerized by the amount of talent that this boy had , that we were literally late in getting to the show. We easily listened to him play three songs. At the end, we all got into a group photo with him and I dropped a five dollar bill into his guitar case (yes, that’s right, I personally gave Justin money). A couple years later, I was looking back through old photo’s and all of a sudden I was like HOLY CRAP IT’S JUSTIN BIEBER! I put the pieces together that Justin Bieber is from Stratford and I legit freaked out! I will never forget this moment! -@LaurenK_PLL Read more here: My story isn’t like most others. I actually met Justin…
My name’s Camille, I’m 16 and I’m French. I met Justin Bieber on March 29th 2011 . I’ve had already seen him at some showcases and stuff, but never met him. The dream began on the 28th. I was in History, and my friend I was going to see at the Bieber’s concert was calling me. My heart began to beat a bit faster, and I asked my teacher if I could go to the restroom. He said yes. I called my friend back and she was kind of screaming on the phone that we were going to meet Justin the day after. So she explained me how she won a contest etc… On the 29th, direction Paris! I was going to meet Justin at 5pm with the guys who won the meet and greet. I found out my friend, and we were searching for the person who had to give us the pass to go to the wings, you know. So we were kind of running everywhere, and we found the girl like 10 minutes before the meeting. We were not more than 10 who were going to meet him. The Bieber crew was inside and a LOT of fans were around every entrances. A security man made us go inside the yard. I felt like a celebrity for 10 seconds, quite a good feeling, haha. Ryan Good was inside the yard too, signing autographs through the barrier. I was the only one who saw him, so I warn the other ones. We joined him, and he was so nice, so funny. He took a picture with everybody but me, and I was like “What about me?” and he was laughing and took a picture with another person. At the end, everybody had his or her photo with him but me, and he was going to sign autographs again, and I said “Ryan that’s not funny!”, he laughed, and he took a picture with me finally. Then, we went inside. The Braun’s brothers were there, they explained us quickly the Meet and greet rules. Then Justin arrived and we finally met him. My friend went directly to him, and I was just putting off my bag and jacket. Justin was watching me like “Eh, why do you take your time, do you know you’re meeting JUSTIN BIEBER right now?” and he was quite right haha. So, I hugged him tight, and he laughed a bit. We talked a bit in french, in english too. We took a picture together, and my friend was like “Fuck, I was moving on the picture” (she said it in french) and I answered (in french) “That’s shitty for you” and Justin laughed, and I was really surprised he understood french that well, which made me laughed. I hugged him one last time, he was so sweet. I was supposed to leave, but Kenny was there since the beggining and I just COULDN’T leave without even talking with him. My friend was gone. So I talked with Kenny a bit, and he was laughing when I was talking, probably about my accent. I gave him my twitter and he followed me 3 days later. Justin didn’t really understand why I was still there when some other fans were there to take a pic. I took back my stuff and he waved me, and it was finished. Then, he did a perfect show as usual. That was amazing, and Justin is such a sweet and down to earth person. I’m not rich, I’m not lucky, I don’t know any organizers or things like that. I’m just like all the other fans. And I met him. I want you all to never give up, it will happen if you believe in it. -@camillehoussin Continue reading here: My name’s Camille, I’m 16 and I’m French. I…