Tag Archives: interviewers

Tim Pawlenty Loves Lady Gaga

If you have no idea who Tim Pawlenty is, we don’t blame you. The GOP presidential candidate polls way behind Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann and even Sarah Palin , who on top of being incapable, isn’t even running! Point being, T-Paw is running, even if no one outside Minnesota, where he served two terms as governor, knows it. So how does he change things up? Get his name in the headlines. More importantly, get Lady Gaga’s name in there. In this Q&A, he asks the interviewers which Gaga song is their favorite: Tim Pawlenty Talks Lady Gaga Granted, it was a personal and pop-culture interview, so it’s not like he name-dropped “Born This Way” in a debate. But he digs the song. Good to know. The a cappella version is better, if you ask him, though, and “Bad Romance” gives it a run for a money because of the beat. Think he’s making all this up? Even if he’s an avid watcher of Lady Gaga videos , we don’t expect she’ll be pulling the lever for Tim in ’12. He’s staunchly opposed to gay marriage.

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Tim Pawlenty Loves Lady Gaga