Tag Archives: involved-freaks

Gisele Photoshopped for Some Brand of the Day

Gisele is in some hosiery for some campaign – where they lit her and photoshopped her aggressively enough to make her look like she’s not in her mid 30s, washed up, FOOTBALL wife who has rumored to be a tranny and not an actual mom because Tranny’s don’t have UTERUS they have prosthetic pregnancy movie magic because she has a brand and a contract to Victoria’s Secret to protect…or did have that…before moving onto better things like gold digging…even though she’s rich as fuck… I guess what I am saying is that tranny from Brazil, who are hotter than regular girls in Brazil, because they are taller and leaner are actually good hires for Lingerie companies, as long as the girl doesn’t get an erection due to the sexy feel of the thong…because Tranny don’t get period and like strippers, periods fuck up modeling THUS tranny can work any day of the week they are needed… The post Gisele Photoshopped for Some Brand of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gisele Photoshopped for Some Brand of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is a big…in fame and physical size… actress who turned popstar who sings about masturbating, because all these self involved freaks love themselves so much they think they can do anything, all thanks to their parents over inflating their egos with affirmations….conditioning them to be child stars that they masturbate watching themselves in the mirror…it’s the hottest shit to them… While the hottest shit to you was Hailee Steinfeld because she was underage for the bulk of her career and America sexualizes underage girls by telling you you can’t fuck them…something you freaks can’t handle…so when you see her in bikinis and fame whoring you are forced to jerk off to her…GOOD FOR BUSINESS…you’re sad and lonely…and that makes some people rich and famous! Life as a loser… I don’t know who told her to wear these tacky trailer park mom in the 90s who was a hooker at night, but it was a comicbook convention and you know the audience of that would die seeing this…GOOD FOR BUSINESS….nerds ruin everything…unless these pants are a good thing…I can’t tell because I don’t see LABIA… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day