Tag Archives: over-inflating

Christa B. Allen See Through for Instagram of the Day

I don’t know who Christa B. Allen but she has IMDB and WIKIPEDIA so she must be important… Let’s take a journey into who Christa B. Allen and why her attention seeking hipster style instagram pictures are more than just thirsty instagram modeling but rather brand support to her career… So she is “Teenage Girl” in Youth in Revolt from back in 2009….and started this celebrity thing in 13 Going on 30 in 2004….and her career highlight is probably being on a show called REVENGE or another one called BABY DADDY….because they are actual TV shows…. TAKE THAT INSTAGRAM MODELS…this girl is legit….her see through social media is just her “ART”…she doesn’t need followers, she’s already rich from her Screen Actors Guild pay scale of 500 dollars a day, which her 4 episodes of Baby Daddy, that account for 5 weeks of work, which works out to be 10,000 dollars for the year!! Less agency and Union fees, bringing in a COOL 7000 dollars for 2015…which paid for 2 months of life in LA…forcing her to find something else to subsidize the other 10 months of the year while living her dreams… She’s 24, not too late yet, but seeing all these actors taking the instagram model nudity to their self promotion is great to perverts like me who used to have to wait for an actor to fuck up to deliver nipples..modern times are so promising, even if social media is garbage, it ruins lives, but it still brought out inner sluts and created some lives, and for that we should give thanks. The post Christa B. Allen See Through for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christa B. Allen See Through for Instagram of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is a big…in fame and physical size… actress who turned popstar who sings about masturbating, because all these self involved freaks love themselves so much they think they can do anything, all thanks to their parents over inflating their egos with affirmations….conditioning them to be child stars that they masturbate watching themselves in the mirror…it’s the hottest shit to them… While the hottest shit to you was Hailee Steinfeld because she was underage for the bulk of her career and America sexualizes underage girls by telling you you can’t fuck them…something you freaks can’t handle…so when you see her in bikinis and fame whoring you are forced to jerk off to her…GOOD FOR BUSINESS…you’re sad and lonely…and that makes some people rich and famous! Life as a loser… I don’t know who told her to wear these tacky trailer park mom in the 90s who was a hooker at night, but it was a comicbook convention and you know the audience of that would die seeing this…GOOD FOR BUSINESS….nerds ruin everything…unless these pants are a good thing…I can’t tell because I don’t see LABIA… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is a big…in fame and physical size… actress who turned popstar who sings about masturbating, because all these self involved freaks love themselves so much they think they can do anything, all thanks to their parents over inflating their egos with affirmations….conditioning them to be child stars that they masturbate watching themselves in the mirror…it’s the hottest shit to them… While the hottest shit to you was Hailee Steinfeld because she was underage for the bulk of her career and America sexualizes underage girls by telling you you can’t fuck them…something you freaks can’t handle…so when you see her in bikinis and fame whoring you are forced to jerk off to her…GOOD FOR BUSINESS…you’re sad and lonely…and that makes some people rich and famous! Life as a loser… I don’t know who told her to wear these tacky trailer park mom in the 90s who was a hooker at night, but it was a comicbook convention and you know the audience of that would die seeing this…GOOD FOR BUSINESS….nerds ruin everything…unless these pants are a good thing…I can’t tell because I don’t see LABIA… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day